You know who else is just as good as Fitz? Jim Kelly.
Fitz (as the primary starter):
2010: 13 games, 57.8%, 3000yds, 23td, 15int, 81.8 rating
2011: 16 games, 62.0%, 3,832yds, 24td, 23int, 79.1 rating
2012: 16 games, 60.6%, 3,400yds, 24td, 16int, 83.3 rating
1990: 14 games, 63.3%, 2829yds, 24tds, 9int
1991: 15 games, 64.1%, 3844yds, 33td, 17int
1992: 16 games, 58.2%, 3457yds, 23td, 19 int
So you can see, Fitz only threw 9 more picks, but threw for more yards! Plus, Kelly's interception total is artificially low because of the one great season in 1990. Therefore Fitz probably would've won the Superbowl had he been playing back in the day.