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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. Interesting that they don't show the camera angle on what happened to the attacker before she went off on the TSA agent.
  2. With the Galaxy S3, you just run the side of your hand across the screen from left to right (kind of like what a photocopy/scanner looks like when it's scanning a page) and it saves a picture of the screen.
  3. I think the bigger comment in that article was that Michelle Obama said she's a single mother and then tried to backpedal. Trouble in paradise?
  4. http://pittsburgh.sbnation.com/2012/9/26/3412690/ben-roethlisberger-legs-broken-car-crash-fake
  5. Apparently the sequester didn't impact the White House's budget much. They still had money to produce this lame video: This from the official White House YouTube channel... :/
  6. I didn't realize that all time revolved around a corporate headquarters.
  7. Not an oops -- the world doesn't revolve around the United States, you know.
  8. Make sure you backup your data and more importantly, TEST those backups to ensure that if you have a problem in the future (computer crash, house burns down, thieves steal everything), you still have your important data accessible! http://www.neowin.net/news/world-backup-day-is-today-backup-your-data
  9. Apparently a change of plans. No longer will the government confiscate 30% of savings. Nope, instead they'll take 60%! But they'll give you some worthless shares in the bank as payment! http://www.washingto...99de_story.html
  10. Haven't you left (again) yet...?
  11. Sounds like you might like Google+ more -- it focuses less on "hanging out with your friends" and more on good information.
  12. Figured people might find this story interesting. High school girl is complaining because she's not #1 in the class -- she took band while another student took something harder, giving that person a higher weighted average. The response? It's not fair - we should be allowed to have multiple valedictorians, why should it be limited to only 1?! http://www.startribune.com/local/west/200542901.html
  13. Yeah, lucky. And happy to throw away a billion bucks. Yup.
  14. This isn't really new, and wasn't designed by Americans... http://www.neowin.net/news/playing-games-with-your-pee
  15. So a woman is reported missing... And nobody thinks to check if she's in her house?? http://www.dailyreco...nt-of-tv-977414 Oh, apparently this was published in 2008. Oh well, it's still crazy.
  16. We personalized the gifts to the individuals instead of trying a one-size-fits-all approach. For example, for my brother-in-law/sister-in-law, we bought them a nice wine rack (as a combined gift). They still have it in their dining room to this day. We bought my sister a plane ticket to visit us for a week (let her stay in our apartment). Since she was just out of high school, she enjoyed the vacation. One of my wife's bridesmaids was a bit pressed for cash at the time, so we bought her dress for her (practical, if not exciting...). That sort of thing.
  17. That was an awesome documentary. Loved it.
  18. Did he really?! I missed most of the episode...
  19. Agreed. When I was in Vegas covering CES last year, three of us rented a Mustang convertible and drove to the Grand Canyon from the Strip. It was a pretty awesome experience. Vegas itself is ok -- but since every conference seems to be there, it gets a bit old after awhile. The people watching is interesting though - you'll see people in formal wear walking next to "people of WalMart."
  20. Must be based on state. Found this on Minnesota's page at DMV.org (not official) ( http://www.dmv.org/m...e-surrender.php ) Moving from MN You do not have to surrender your license plates to the DVS after moving out of Minnesota. You can keep as souvenirs or dispose of as you wish.
  21. Huh? Who do you turn plates into...? I had my car when I was in Minnesota, moved to Wisconsin, and still have the MN plates in my trunk... I was pulled over for speeding once and given a ticket (with WI plates), and the MN officer never said anything.
  22. It's not like they do a background check when you make a Facebook or Twitter account you know. Nobody will know if the information you enter is accurate.
  23. You could just make a Facebook and Twitter account for the contest. Just sayin'....
  24. If you're in need of a boost to your WiFi signal (big house, want it to cover your yard, you have concrete walls that block/degrade WiFi, you want to share with your neighbor, etc), I'm giving away an Amped Wireless repeater (SR20000G) on Neowin. I did a review of the repeater and it's really cool. http://www.neowin.net/news/giveaway-amped-wireless-sr20000g-repeater To enter: Tweet the contest (easiest to use the twitter button at the top of the article), like Neowin on Facebook, and follow @NeowinFeed on Twitter, then make a comment in the thread. That's it! (although I think it's too many steps -- I voted against so many of the social media steps...). Be sure to share with your friends.
  25. The roads need to be fixed up though... Some of the potholes (especially on Buffalo Ave) are terrible. I'd like to see NF come back from the ashes. It's sad to see my hometown in shambles.
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