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    Minneapolis, MN

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  1. No -- it's all legit. I have an HDHomeRun which I plug an antenna into. That basically takes the local channels I can get over the air and lets me watch them anywhere. I then feed that into a Plex server (running on a Synology NAS for storage) so I basically have unlimited local DVR capacity. I also ripped all of my DVD/Blu-Ray/4k disks and saved those on the Plex server as well, so I can stream both the local channels and my movies anywhere in the world. And we have a few streaming services (Netflix, Disney+, etc) to catch other shows we want to see.
  2. I haven't been around here in forever, but back in the day, I was a big DirecTV advocate. Then they were bought out by AT&T and it all started going downhill. Then they were divested and it got a tiny bit better, but not really. And then they lost Sunday Ticket, and that was the final nail in the coffin. I cancelled DirecTV. Not sure if any old-timers will remember me or not, but I figured I should login and share because, well, why not. For anyone interested, I basically cut the cord a couple of years ago, and have been keeping DirecTV purely for Sunday Ticket, suspending the account in the offseason. I use my own home Plex server and OTA Antenna to save shows, plus some streaming services to fill the gaps. Here's the article I wrote on the topic: https://www.neowin.net/news/synology-plex-and-hdhomerun-how-to-cut-the-cord-forever/ RIP, DirecTV, it was a fun 24+ years...!
  3. Do they really though? Aren't you more likely to order appetizers, drinks, and/or dessert at dinner than you are at breakfast or lunch? Dinner is usually (not always) a longer experience for me than the other two, especially if I'm spending $200 on the meal. I'm not disagreeing with the premise (the dinner wasn't 5 times more demanding than the breakfast/lunch), but dinner serving appears to be more work to me.
  4. Focus on the libelous and defamatory comment instead. That way there's no misunderstanding, as it's clear as day. But yes, I realize that the King of the site doesn't have to actually follow the rules, that part's clear as day for me.
  5. Why the personal attack, yet again? I thought the rules of the board forbid that.... Hmmm.... http://forums.twobil...tion=boardrules
  6. Emily Post vs. someone named Helena Echlin...? Helena's books on the subject of social etiquette: http://www.amazon.com/helenechlin Emily's books on the subject of social etiquette: http://www.amazon.co...ps,k:emily post Who wins?
  7. Unfortunately if she lasts much longer in the house, that won't happen because she'll be going to jury. Those people usually get boring interviews when kicked out to avoid contamination.
  8. But you didn't cook it, someone else did.
  9. So $8 is too much for you to pay?
  10. Downloaded? Isn't it a Netflix streaming exclusive?
  11. Apparently not. I found it pretty funny tho.
  12. I really liked the "movie guns" episode where they tried shooting locks off of doors, tried using a couple of machine guns to make a hole in the floor for a quick escape, etc. Pretty cool.
  13. I see what you did there!
  14. Helen seems very smart -- I bet that she's doing it on purpose and that IS the strategy. If it works, great. If it doesn't, she'll adjust. I think you're selling her short. Does it make for interesting TV? Not really. But it's still smart.
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