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Posts posted by SoulMan

  1. I would keep most of the coaching staff, especially Roman. I would hire Jim Schwartz as Asst HC & DC and get rid of Thurman. Rex lost me when the Bills lost to the Jags. If Rex puts up a fit against brining Schartz in, then I would show Rex the door. In my opinion we lost 2 games to poor coaching alone and 3 to the poor zebra work. That's 5 games that we should have won, but we can only do something about our coaching - can't really do much about the refs. League is seriously broken in my book and I'm getting ready to give up professional sports all together if the calls don't improve soon.


    II been thinking the same and almost broke away after KC it was so disgusting.

  2. If I am Terry Pugula I am not putting up with this nonsense anymore. I would suspend Rex for 1 week he would have to stay home away from the stadium. Roman would run the team. This is a Billion dollar franchise. If there is not a HD TV in the Bills both with the CBS feed then this is a problem. I don't care if you got to send a equipment manager down to the local Walmart in Kanas City and buy a TV for use in the booth. Don't depend on or count on the local team to put replays up. This is not that hard and it's should be a priority. These games are too important to be working in the blind. If there was someone in the booth and they did have the CBS feed and did not tell Rex then this guy should be fired. There needs to be someone in the booth or someone, some where with direct communication to Rex to let him know what is going on and when to challenge. If I can sit at home and see this and know what the right thing to do is. Then it is really inexcusable that the Bills can't do this. The person who is watching the local CBS feed like we are at home will have a important job and this should be his only job. Do you think the patriots leave it to chance that the local team will give them the replays. So if I'm Terry Pugula I want a investigation on what really happened.

    We are losing games because of game mismanagement that can easily be corrected.

    Rex should be suspended to make him learn a lesson on his total cluster he is running. Maybe a suspension will make him realize that he needs to do a better job. Other things that bother me concerning game preparation are not practicing in practice each week how to hurry to the line of scrimmage to get a play off that was close and it might get a red flag by the other coach. This is about attention to detail also Why Tyrod has to get plays from the sidelines and wait for them while there in a 2 minute drill. Again WTF are we doing all week during practice. Is Tyrod incapable

    of calling his own plays and running the offense with out getting plays from the side lines. Again this is called game preparation. I see so much that is wrong and it all starts with Rex. Maybe a 1 game suspension with pay and Rex takes a step back from it all will make him realize he can do a better job. These things I just mentioned need to be brought up and discussed with Rex and to make him realize he can do a better job. Some times being called out and suspended can have a positive effect. I like Rex the man, but what I don't like is what he is allowing to happen. If I'm Terry Pugula that's what I would be doing on this Monday morning.


    YES, YES and YES.

  3. His last long term contract was $12 million over 3 years, and that was 4 years ago. He's still playing at a high level. I'd be ok with a similar length and either slightly less money with a signing bonus, maybe $3.75M a year. It can't be worse than Harvin's deal.


    This would be about right. The Bills need locker room leadership and Richie is one of those.

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