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Posts posted by SoulMan

  1. Kelly's teams always had gas left in the 4th quarter. Bills Teams in the past several years had obviously nothing left. Jus' sayin'.

    This team has had major injury problems since Donahoe let Mike Mularkey fire Rusty Jones back in 2004. Probably a bigger mistake than letting any player since then walk.


    I don't know exactly what all of these guys do, or if they were good at their jobs or not, but nutrition, strength and conditioning, and even issuing the right equipment (pads, shoes, helmets) can totally play into injury totals. Like I said, I can't make a judgement on these guys as to how they did their jobs, but I am all for

    changing an area of this team that has been woeful for quite some time now (too many injuries).


    If a better strength and conditioning coach can save even 1 starter from going down, that is a huge positive.



    And to the poster who included Scott Berchtold in the conversation, all you have to do is look at the Anthony Lynn and Doug Whaley pressers, or the way

    the media is treating the Bills since. I mean, he was the team's communications/PR guy...any person in any business with that role would and should be fired after those debacles. And especially when you have an owner and GM who neither like nor are good at public speaking, you need someone better in that role.



    It feels like a fresh wind is sweeping through One Bills Drive. I don't think you can discount these moves or the importance of some of these support staff roles...I think this can all help the team if the right people are hired to fill those roles. And I am looking forward to what McDermott (and Whaley) can do now that they seem to have more power than Whaley and the previous coaches ever had.

    Fresh wind, hey I like that ! "How bout a couple more of your delicious burritos honey ! "


    And mostly agree with ur post above.

  2. Nervous Guy, Heartbraking news, but your heart need not be broken.


    Romans 8:


    38For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

    39Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


    Excerpt From: Nelson, Thomas. “The Holy Bible, King James Study Bible (KJV).” Thomas Nelson, 2012-10-12. iBooks.

    This material may be protected by copyright.


    Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=483167163

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