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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. LOL, don't you remember your trip to China?
  2. Booth didn't undo the accomplishments Lincoln had already made, like winning the Civil War. Nothing the ultra white supremicist Booth did changed that.
  3. http://www.thenation.com/doc/20061211/soldiers_story/3 Another vantage point on Iraq from a soldier
  4. Oh brother. Lincoln is influential for what he did when he was alive, DUH! Who knows what he would have done had he lived? Impossible to tell. Your idiotic post is counter factual history.
  5. Reagan was the architech of ending the Cold War???? Why not Truman for starting containment? Or Nixon for splitting the communist world? Or the fall in oil prices that killed the soviet block? Or the fact that Communism just doesn't work and it was bound to fall?
  6. Does that mean Clinton was a GREAT president? No terrorist attacks from islamics after the early bombing of World Trade Center? Or will you bring up the Embassy bombings?
  7. You should try ands read some history sometime dude. Carter inherited the economic problems and set about fixing them. He took Paul Volker on at the Federal Reserve and they pushed the high interest rates to get rid of inflation. Worked so well Reagan kept him on and that led to the steady 1980's economy. Carter also did a lot to reduce our usage of energy which helped quite a bit. He al;so got Israel and Egypt to make nice, an accomplishment that was no small feat. The Shah of Iran was a real POS and deserved to be sold down the river. Ike never should have allowed him to be put in power. Ike was a good prez, though, IMO. Not saying Carter was a great President--he wasn't--but he was a lot better than your brain washed opinion and your totally ignorant post suggests. And Gore and Kerry would have been far and away better president than this idiot Bush. THey have brains and that puts them a few steps ahead of Bush to begin with.
  8. Give us the ball!
  9. Best of luck with that, hope all turns out well
  10. Does it bother you I pick on the man you so respect? Sorry to tell you this stupid little man is a disaster. I wish Jim Webb had slugged him. How can anyone support such a coward?
  11. I was just in Tennessee and visited the home of James K. Polk. Nothing fancy at all for this pretty important president. But Bushland will be! I guess that's one way to ensure a legacy. Buy it. <<Moreover, defenders of the project point out that half-a-billion dollars for the Bush Library is actually peanuts, the equivalent to just two days of the Iraq War. That's like ending the fighting June 19, 2017, rather than on the 21st. Keep in mind that when Bill Clinton funded his Presidential library, Republicans went loony, their collective heads exploding at the exorbitant cost. That exorbitant cost was $165 million. And Bill Clinton actually owned books. The Bush Library will be $500 million. (You can never say that too many times.) To put this in perspective, you could build the Clinton Library and Madison Square Garden - and still have $135 million left over to try and find the WMDs. Half a billion dollars for a library? Perhaps it's part of a new "No President Left Behind" program. Only this one clearly isn't un-funded. For half a billion dollars, you don't expect just books at Libraryland, there'd better be fuzzy mascots, themed roller coasters and a laser light extravaganza. Happily, the place already has an audio-animatronic President. It repeats, "Stay the course," all day. According to Thomas M. DeFrank of the New York Daily News, this isn't just a library, but also an institute. The Bush Library will be hiring conservative scholars and, says a unidentified Bush insider, "give them money to write papers and books favorable to the President's policies." And so the picture becomes clear. They're trying to burnish the President's image. Of course they need $500 million! Mind you, writing books doesn't mean anyone will read them. After all, if someone is so hugely unpopular that you need half a billion dollars to make him sound "favorable," why would you think anybody would want to spend money to buy a hardcover about the fellow? Then again, perhaps that's another reason they need a $500 million library: to house all those books returned to the publisher. Maybe they plan to have a really big $1 bin. "It's so much bigger than anything that's been tried before," another source acknowledged to DeFrank. "But the more you have, the more influence [on history] you can exert." Honestly, you couldn't exert that much influence on history if you had a Time Machine and a nuclear-powered sledgehammer.>> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-j-eli...you-to-_b_35253 .html
  12. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya, that makes it all ok! What stunning logic! We give them lots of money so they have to spy on us! Free Jonathon Pollard now! He is a victim of foreign aid!
  13. Sorry, you don't have to be a partisan to see bush is a disaster. You have to be a partisan to see that he isn't. Maybe opening your eyes would help? Then again, useful idiots don't do that, do they? Have a good night
  14. Actually its not a conspiracy about who did 9-11, its about who might have had some clues that would have helped prevent it before hand. That's pretty standard. What's really interesting is the massive Israeli spy ring inside the United States. Biggest one of any 'friend' we have.
  15. I'll bet you are enjoying, you don't have to think, which judging by your completely mindless posts, is something you don't do too well. One of Bush's useful idiots I presume? Do you think he is doing a good job?
  16. Ok, how about this? Those registered Democrats who have crossed over are mostly older Southern Democrats and they are not rreally Democrats are they? And they sure as hell were never liberals. And another thing, who do you think crossed over more in the last election, Dems or Reps? The Troll has spoken
  17. No, nothing is his fault at all. He gets blamed very unfairly. The bad Democrats are the ones who screwed everything up. And Bush is a smart man.
  18. Yes, Democrats are generally more open minded, IMO.
  19. Right, it means I'm a far left wing extremist who votes for Republicans sometimes
  20. You know, as long as that incompetent man Bush is President, most people--left, center and moderate right--will criticize him for the total disaster he is. Does that make people left leaning? I'd say not, I'd say it shows they care about their country. I'm not sure what you mean about Felscher and Sullivan, but feel free to show us sometime. How about the music and lifestyles comment you made? Want Rush Limbo to write movie reviews? Wouldn't that be a bore after the first two sentences? Remember when he said the 'Liberal Media' had built up Donovan McNabb simply because he was black? Is that the sort of stuff you are talking about? Again, go to the news and show us where you see this left wing conspiracy playing out.
  21. And I wrote something about a person I like, Republican Chuck Hagel!
  22. Chuck Hagel is a Republican
  23. You can't be serious? You want movie and music reviews slanted more to the right? And sports, and especially football, is slanted way to the right, really, as it should be. It's just that kind of sport. "Ask not what you country can do for you...." is not a left wing quote. It's rugged individualisim. Sure, JFK might have been a Dem, but that quote isn't liberal. You seem so politicized you can't see the forest for the trees. Put down the Rush Limbo for a few days and breath some fresh air. BTW, do you think commercials on tv and radio are biased?
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAoe26MaTew Pretty interesting.
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