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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. It really does explain why Conservative Radio works and Liberal radio fails. I'm a liberal and don't listen to talk radio, liberal or Conservative. Well, I was a HUGE Hannity fan when the Terri Schivo thing was going on. THAT was a scream!
  2. First off, sorry about missing that zero on 50,000. And you are really missing the point here. You see people try and pass off criticizim of Bush as simple irrational hate. Its not. The guy is a total fvck up. My dislike of the clown is very rational and soundly based in reality as I am willing to prove anytime.
  3. http://www.antiwar.com/updates/?articleid=10416 January 28, 2007 Sunday: 404 Iraqis, 5 GIs Killed; 173 Iraqis Injured; US Helicopter Shot Down Updated at 10:15 p.m. EST, Jan. 28, 2007 In Iraq, at least 404 Iraqis were killed or found dead today and another 173 were injured in various attacks during the festival of Ashura. Three more American servicemembers were killed in separate incidents, and a U.S. helicopter was shot down, killing two more soldiers as well. The U.S. military reported that a Marine died from wounds he received during combat in Anbar province. Roadside bombs killed a soldier and an MP in separate incidents north of Baghdad as well. Also, a U.S. helicopter was shot down near Najaf; no details about casualties were released. In Najaf, several clashes are taking place. Police are reporting that about at least 250 gunmen and three Iraqi soldiers have been killed and 21 soldiers have been injured. Six police officers were killed in the initial fighting. As many as 300 gunmen may have been killed in the clashes. Also, a U.S. helicopter supporting Iraqi forces was shot down as well. Many pilgrims heading to Karbala for the holy festival of Ashura are in the area. The holy festival of Ashura culminates on Tuesday. It marks several historical events, in particular the martyrdom of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson at Karbala. The last few years have seen increased violence associated with the holiday, which Shi'ite Muslims consider a solemn day of mourning. It also marks one of the divisions that separate Shi'ite Muslims from their Sunni brethren. In Baghdad, 54 unidentified bodies were found dumped in several locations. Five girls were killed and 21 others wounded when mortars fell on the Khalid secondary school in the Adil area; Adil has been the target of dozens of mortars rounds since Friday morning. In Sadr City, a car bomb near a market killed four people and injured 39 others; women were among the casualties. A bomb in a minibus killed one and wounded seven in an eastern neighborhood. At a Bayaa outdoor market, a bomb in a bag killed five and wounded 20, including children. A car bomb in the Qahira area killed two and wounded four others. At least eight other people were killed by a car bombs today. Also in the capital, an advisor to the Minister of Industry, Adel Abdel-Mohsen, two daughters and three companions were gunned down in the Yarmouk district. Earlier, an adviser for the Agriculture Ministry was also killed in the same area; four others in the vehicle also died. On a road south of the capital, two Iraqi soldiers were killed and four injured when gunmen attacked their patrol. At a busy market in Kirkuk, a car bomb killed eight and wounded 15 in a mixed Shi’ite-Kurd neighborhood. A suicide car bomber killed eight more and injured 19 near a warehouse in a mostly Kurd area. Two more people were killed by a roadside bomb. A bullet-riddled body was found outside of town. Two civilians were killed and four wounded in Fallujah when a bomb was exploded near a mosque. A roadside bomb injured three policemen. In Suwayra, three Iraqi soldiers were killed, four soldiers wounded and a militant injured during clashes. Three gunmen were killed in Ramadi, according to local tribal leaders. Two Iraqi children were killed when a mortar hit their school. In Iskandariya, two soldiers were killed and two injured when a taxi they were in was sprayed with gunfire. Two police officers received head injuries during a robbery in Duluiya that netted the thieves over 400 million dinars (US $300,000). Six gunmen were killed and four police officers were wounded during clashes in Mosul. A college student was killed and another person kidnapped. Mortars fell on Hilla where they killed ten people, mostly women and children.
  4. You are right, my bad
  5. Air America was just a bad idea. Who has time to sit around and listen to a political hack drone on and on? I can see why talk radio works so well with Conservative listeners.
  6. I read this and had a real problem with its basic premise. We are SMARTER than people who lived 5,000 years ago? Why, because we are taught to read and write? I think that is just a percepetion on your part, and a false one. If we dropped you off somewhere 5,000 years ago and you tried to fit in I bet you would starve to death because you couldn't feed yourself. I bet the people would think you are a complete idiot just like you think they are. We are talking about the people who invented reading and writing, math, calenders, devised irregation systems, built fortifications--the city of Jerico had walls around it 10,000 years ago--, began working with iron and bronze and improved agriculture. Maybe you meant much farther back in time, I don't know, but to say the people 5,000 years ago were stupid just because they were not as advanced as us just doesn't float
  7. 1) You are criticizing me for being political on a politics board? Wow! That takes some type of flight from reality on your part. Say, do you criticize all the liberal bashers that infest this board? Or do you join them? And BTW, you are wrong that all my posts are Bush bases, simply not true. Try and get your facts straight next time. 2) You can't take me serious? No kidding? You don't take anything serious unless it comes straight from Mr. "Enormous Prgress" himself. You simply dismiss the entire media, in all its forms as a bunch of "stupid people." A 12 year old can do better than that. 3) Sorry chum, I explain my views, you just turn your brain off when you read them. Why? Because you only see the Conservative view as truth. That's it. Any other explination, fact or piece of evidence is instantly discredited by it flying counter to your Republican perspective. And yes, I consider this "Bush's Adventure." He wanted to play "War President," and be a big hero, something he strangely didn't want to do in Nam when he might have actually had to put himself on the line. I have very little respect for Bush, and if you do you have no been paying very close attention to what has happened lately.
  8. Nice, you steered away from putting down an opinion on the topic, again. Decade long occupation? You support, yes or no? Why did you bring up Clinton? Ok, I'm a moron, now answer!!!
  9. And you instantly dismiss any criticism of Bush as invalid. You see a criticism of Bush and instantly think the person is biased by hate. You say the entire media is full of idiots, yet Cheney is right. That's really a child's argument, "Oh, they're stupid." And you left open the possibility of it being a vast anti-Bush conspiracy or something. You ignore my points about government institutions saying the same thing I am because they do not jive with your Bush love. You Bush supporters are blind to reality. Kind of like zombies or something. At least in your world Iraq is a place that has seen "Enormous Progress." Just don't trip over the bodies lying everywhere.
  10. Ah! I guess you were playing word games, fair enough. I forgot, you believe in nothing so that you have to defend nothing. Easy that way. So do tell me why you brought up Clinton cutting the military in the same thought about Iraq. Something about not having enough troops? I'm connecting dots and it seems like you are blaming Clinton for Iraq. I dunno
  11. No, in all seriousness, I think that's how you read any criticism at all of Bush and his failed war. You have been programmed well.
  12. No, Cheney was saying there was "Enormous Progress" which is bull sh!!t. And my answer for when we pull out is that it won't matter what we do, what is going to happen will happen, sooner or later. All that remands to be seen is how many lives and how much money we end up wasting on this adventure
  13. LOL!! This from the clown who basically just blamed Clinton for Iraq being unfixable? Ya Dar Dar, I believe you when you say you are non-partisan, sure, sure. And taxes are theft but we need to spend more on military. And, and, government can't do anything right so let's spend more money--our stolen money!--on having our government fix Iraq. Oh ya, and everything is Clinton's fault
  14. You mean the cuts that were started under Secretary of Defense Cheney in the first Bush Administration??????
  15. No, you got it all wrong. We just need the media to show the "Enormous Progress" that really, honestly, I promise truely has been been made and everything will be honkey dory. This is, in essence, a problem about message, nothing more
  16. Do tell us Dar Dar, do what beyond nation building?
  17. No Dar Dar, its based on the assesments of other who have been on the ground over there, from CIA officials, SWtate Department officials, James Baker, reporters, military officers, etc.
  18. Probably the same thing if we stayed a decade. We stayed in Haiti for 22 years 'nation building', its still a sh!thole. And Iraq is ten times worse
  19. Great post Bluefire. The general who is leading the brave surge also wrote the Army's counter-insurgency manual and he called for in it a lot more troops for a city the size of Baghdad. So this is just the number they can muster, not the number they need, or think they need. I do not think Congress could get the votes to cut off funding but I just wonder where it would lead if they did. It might be a major constitutional crisis. I wish they would at least put that option on the table, but I guess they are afraid the right wing media machine would twist it into "The Democrats are going to leave our troops in Iraq and not supply them, feed them, give them ammunition, etc." And Bush probably would leave them there and dare Congress not to supply them. Only Bush can order the troops out. So I don't think it would be as simple as cut off funding and troops come home. Whatta mess!
  20. 1) Yes, Because the people--unlike you--see that Iraq is a disaster and something needs to be done. I guess you would argue that the media has brainwashed the public or something and that only people like you see the truth as professed by "last throes" Cheney. I guess Rummy was just a victim of the media, so sad. 2) Great, some sparcely populated areas of homogenous inhabitants are getting along fine while the biggest city in the country needs a surge of troops to try and restore some semblamce of order. If there was "Enormous Progress" what's the point of the Surge? And could this "growing economy" be like South Vietnam's, fueled by American tax payers dollars? Those billions and billions of dollars have to have some effect, aside from funding the insurgents and shiite death squads. 3) The media really isn't reporting anything different than the CIA, state department or the Baker Iraq Study Group is. The place is a disaster and that's the story. But I guess they are all idiots, too. Sure are a lot of idiots out there 4) Cheney most definently has a personal motive, that being to pass this quagmire on to the next Administartion and washing his hands of the affair. Everything he is doing has that goal, from villifying the media, to claiming "last throes" and "Enormous Progress." Delay the inevitable just long enough. Murder
  21. Oh dear, another ignorant drive by troll with no opinion about anything
  22. I wrote it is some people's opinion the surge is murder. People do see it that way. People like me. 1) No offense back, but the only "progress" Cheney was able to mention, the elections in Iraq, were very well covered by the media. How long could they go on about that? As to the troops coming back, there are so many thousands of them you can find a couple to say anything, and more are saying its a mess than saying its not. How many ran as anti-war Democrats in last election? Several. None that I know ran as pro-war Republicans. 2) I'll bet coverage of Iraq to a war supporter is embarassing. But actually believing that THE MEDIA is distoring the picture on purpose, or because they are idiots is bordering on lunacy. THE MEDIA is there, they are getting killed in Iraq, too. And they are far from the only ones saying the place is a complete disaster. Government agencies, people Bush put in charge, soldiers, officers, diplomats all say the same thing. Is the CIA not getting the full picture? The State Department? How about Republican Senators? Why isn't Fox news reporting the "Progress?" Hell, even Ollie North says the Surge is a joke because Iraq is too broken to fix that way. Cheney is only doing what he has always done, working in his own personal interest.l
  23. Shouldn't he have arealistic opinion of Iraq? Seeing a positive in that mess is sheer delusion. And Cheney's daughter was fair game when this administration ran a gay bashing campaign in 2004 and really probably won the presidency with it.
  24. It does have a role and it is expanding. Health care costs are rising for many reasons, not just research and development. If people get sick, old or hurt they should be taken care of whether than can afford it or not. Anti-government ideolouges can't seem to grasp the immorality of their postion on this.
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