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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Maybe we should have waited for UN inspectors to finish there job. Would have been better than this disasterous occupation.
  2. First there is this: http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/rush_24_7...dier.guest.html And this, you can watch the video: http://www.crooksandliars.com/ Imus: Here's what a disgrace O'Reilly is. Olbermann can't kill him enough. Here's what O'Reilly's doing. You are not going to believe this. This sonofabitch actually went on that falafel thing of his and he said—–if you'll buy a copy of his book—for every copy of his stupid book, he'll send a copy to a soldier in Iraq or Afghanistan. I mean I don't know where to start. That's his contribution to the men and women who are fighting and dying in this idiotic war for this country. These opinon makers on the right are just totally self-absorbed trash
  3. My bad, he just 'advised' them to leave before the bombs began falling. So leave or take your chances, forget about looking for WMD, the very thing the war was over
  4. I'm sorry, what did you mean by this then? Really seems like you are saying the Shiite death squads are controlled by Iran. Or are they bucking the trend? Are they? And no, they wouldn't be the first nor only. Insurgent groups are notorioulsy independent. Sure, they take supplies and fight, but they don't simply bend overbacwards to make outsiders happy. That was a silly point you made. Cute historical/theoretical framework you got there, too bad its basically worthless
  5. I guess Bush shouldn't have ordered the weapons inspectors out of Iraq in 2003 then
  6. LOL, like a nuke program? That was all bull, as were those terrible flying drone air craft that were coming to kill all of us! Boo!
  7. Let's stick with the Shiites for this. They have plenty of room to operate in Iraq, they are part of the government for God's sake. Sadr city is also a base of operation. The US and UK don't control much of Iraq outside the green zone, so there isn't as much a need for outside control. So while Iran may be influencing events in Iraq--of which there is no doubt--it does not in any way lead auotmatically to the conclusion that you threw out there that they did this. You just want to believe they did at the exclusion of all other factors. And BTW, there is no one group of Shiites, there are many. Did you read the story about those "200" or so "insurgents" killed the other day? They were Shiites out to kill other Shiites. Heavily armed religious fanatics that overpowered the Iraqi army who had to call in US support. Who were these people? Which group was working for Iran, if any was at all?
  8. That is pretty much the play book
  9. And if Iran retaliates by attacking oil facilities and/or tankers? To me, that is the real threat they pose. Saudi Arabia is already pumping oil to the hilt now to drive down the price of oil to hurt Iran. Iran could call that economic warfare and use that as an excuse--along with the American bombing--to hit Saudi tankers or oil fields. Just the threat of that being an imminent possibility would drive the price of oil through the roof
  10. Yes, one among many. For instance, they could have been retaliating for Americans doing something in Iraq. We are training and working with Iraqis there and the death squads are part of the Iraqi government. It seems just as reasonable, if not more so, that we arrested some one, or shot some place up or looked at someone or *wrong* and this was retaliation involving people we trained who are working for a militia or local death squad. Has anyone been arrested for this? Is there any evidence available at all?
  11. Why was Iran *probably* involved? Can you explain your reasoning here?
  12. Wouldn't it just be better if he had this attitude? http://www.snopes.com/politics/quotes/barbara2.asp Let them eat cake!
  13. They would fly out of Iraq anyway, no permission needed from that "independent" government.
  14. How about posting a link to back up all this wacky bull sh-- you are spewing? The insurgency is mostly foreign? That's a complete load of crap. I guess you want to invade Iran to stop the insurgency in Iraq? Then who do we invade next?
  15. Thanks, great pics! The Great Lakes are just so incredibly awesome we are lucky to have them and I am glad they are getting better. I'd love to take a tour from Buffalo to Chicago on the lakes, or up onto Lake Superior.
  16. LOL, you want to bomb their oil fields?
  17. And the oil they pump that is a big part of keeping the global economy afloat? The Straights of Hormuz where 20% of the world's oil flows through? It would be a big f-up to have a few tankers blown up, a missle hit the Saudi facilities or Iran to turn off the pump for two weeks.
  18. LOL, yup, again you fall back on the "stupid" defense because you can't handle the truth. No problem. And I'm sorry, but the information you provided basically proves my point that little or no progress has been made. A tiny little start after almost 4 years of occupation is not the 'Enormous Success' you contend is happening. Keep trying though
  19. The Iraqis just don't seem to agree with you: http://www.upi.com/InternationalIntelligen...29-101021-1168r Iraq poll: U.S. troops departure is asset BAGHDAD, Dec. 29 (UPI) -- About 90 percent of Iraqis feel the situation in the country was better before the U.S.-led invasion than it is today, according to a new ICRSS poll. The findings emerged after house-to-house interviews conducted by the ICRSS during the third week of November. About 2,000 people from Baghdad (82 percent), Anbar and Najaf (9 percent each) were randomly asked to express their opinion. Twenty-four percent of the respondents were women. Only five percent of those questioned said Iraq is better today than in 2003. While 89 percent of the people said the political situation had deteriorated, 79 percent saw a decline in the economic situation; 12 percent felt things had improved and 9 percent said there was no change. Predictably, 95 percent felt the security situation was worse than before. The results of the poll conducted by the Iraq Centre for Research and Strategic Studies and shared with the Gulf Research Center, has a margin error of +/- 3.1 percent. The ICRSS is an independent institution "which attempts to spread the conscious necessity of realizing basic freedoms, consolidating democratic values and foundations of civil society." Nearly 50 percent of the respondents identified themselves only as "Muslims"; 34 percent were Shiites and 14 percent, Sunnis.
  20. Chuckle, ok, thanks for clearing that up. BTW, what talking points in I using? Point them out, please
  21. So the lives lost in Iraq don't bother you? Great
  22. 1) Gees, get a grip! Big difference between "Progress" and "Success." You act like it changed the meaning, which it didn't. Shows you are grasping at straws. I don't care to be respected around here, BTW. People that literally hate the truth to death are not the type of people I want liking me. 2) Smarter? I very well might be smarter. Did you mean more informed? He might be that. Still, you sighted him as proof of progress which made me laugh. Even he, the guy on his third tour already--how many more tours will we send him back for?--admits that here on that third tour progress has just started. Bout time! And the military has been claiming that since 2003. So 6 months from now someone else might say the same thing. 3) Inane thread? Because you disagreed with who should be counted as the killed? Did you read the rest of the article? Car bombs, assassinations, mass killings, torture, mortar attacks, major gun battles, a copter shot down and general choas. Yup, you really proved your point that Cheney was right! How many more tours of duty should we send our boys in for? You seem to think its fine just sending them to that hell hole over and over again. What the hell, they signed up, right? Iraq is a failed state and no matter what our troops do there isn't going to be a stable republican form of government. Not with those people running things.
  23. 1) You do realize--maybe you don't--that they are in a civil war, right? We are shooting both ways. The place is a complete disaster. I know you think there has been "Enormous Progress" because you said Cheney was right. Your proof???? Go on to Number Two 2) The Proof?? LOL, this is great, a Marine is proud of his service. That's proof? Give me a break! Who is full of crap? Lots of people are proud of stuff, doesn't mean its 'Enormous Progress' in Iraq. Gees.....
  24. So killing Iraqis is progress? Thought we were going to dump the body counts? With 60% of Iraqios supporting attacks on our troops, 350 is a drop in a very big buckey. As to you article, thanks for posting. Don't blame me for *missing* it. If you guys think that really shows progress, keep posting it yourself. The article just sounds like a "lip stick on a pig" article. Just begun? Almost 4 years in? "Enormous Progress," indeed! Keep posting the 'Enormous Progress' articles, though. I read it. No problem
  25. The reality of Iraq is a "Bad Bush Post" LOL! Come on now, call it all lies! Or say a scholl got painted somewhere and the media should give that equal time to all these violence. Its pretty sad that this being the biggest story of our generation and so many people just want to run away from the truth of it
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