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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Yes, they should hide the story the way Bush hides caskets coming home from Iraq. Mommy, make it go away!
  2. Oh my! You have found the smoking gun! Yes, this one op-ed from the advertising section proves your theory about the media. The, "Oh, they're, like all stupid, ya know," theory. Come on. I know what you are doing. You are trying to "prove" that Bush and Cheney's words about Iraq "progress" are correct and the entire media is just, well, stupid. Believe the politicians! They are the truth!
  3. First off, could you link me to the Congressional Budget office site you mentioned, I don't feel like navigating through the web site, thank you. You are comparing the top 1/5 to the bottom 1/5 and expect me to think that the top is getting cheated? The top, despite taxes, are swimming in luxury while the poor are, well poor. And don't give me the 84K thing. They are just lumped into the pile of top 1/5 but don't count the same in taxation. Does a person earning 84k pay the same as a person earning 2 million? No. How much should the poor pay? What about the middle 1/5? Are they overtaxed? And BTW, the trend, despite progressive taxation, is tilting towrds the wealthy gaining even more a share of the nations wealth. Don't believe me? Here: http://www.census.gov/hhes/income/histinc/h02.html Also, how did you measure productivity? What if all the Mexicans went home? Is that top 1/5 gonna go out and productively pick the fruit and vegitables? To summeraize: The rich own the most and therefore should pay the most. If that means their taxation is higher as a percentage than so be it.
  4. "OLD" IS WHEN ... Your sweetie says, "Let's go upstairs and make love," and you answer, "Pick one; I can't do both!" "OLD " IS WHEN ... Your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoes and you're barefoot. "OLD" IS WHEN ... A sexy babe catches your fancy and your pacemaker opens the garage door. "OLD" IS WHEN ... Going braless pulls all the wrinkles out of your face. "OLD" IS WHEN ... You don't care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don't have to go along. "OLD" IS WHEN ... You are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of by the police. "OLD" IS WHEN .."Getting a little action" means you don't need to take any fiber today "OLD" IS WHEN ... "Getting lucky" means you find your car in the parking lot. "OLD" IS WHEN ... An "all nighter" means not getting up to use the bathroom. AND "OLD" IS WHEN ... You are not sure these are jokes
  5. If you had to pick one, yes, but they all played well. Played like a great offensive line should
  6. I don't mind him getting anything, just sad that we have to watch him selling for those guys. I like to remeber him as a great football player, but whatever
  7. They were the difference. Manning was barely touched, the running backs had huge holes to run through and they did it against a pretty good defense.
  8. I think that used car salesman, what's his name....oh ya, Steve Tasker is getting chunky too. Why did he whore himself out to that car joint?
  9. I thought it was a good game. Was waiting to see if Colts would blow it on a turnover. And yes, it was much better than last years joke of a game.
  10. He was escorted all the way by Bobby Chandler if I remeber right
  11. Steelers/Rams. Great game. That was first season I watched sports. The play I remember the most actually came from the AFC championship game between the Steelers and Houston Oilers when Dan Paterini threw a pass to Mike Renfro in the back of the end zone that the refs called incomplete but was clearly a touchdown. That play led to more calls for having some sort of instant reply. The Bills played the Steelers on the last game of the season that year. Ferguson drove the Bills on the opening drive to a field goal but it was blocked, we lost 28-0. In that game Jim Haslett kicked a helmetless Terry Bradshaw in the head while going out of bounds. Bradshaw had a little gash on his bald head from that. Was the kick on purpose?
  12. What's your point? That you watch Hannity religiously and react the same way that sheep did at the gym? "Hanoi Jane, Hanoi Jane!"
  13. Ya, that was pretty stupid.
  14. Another reason the guy is a moron, he took that story at face value. Here is different take on it: http://www.realcities.com/mld/krwashington/16616389.htm BAGHDAD, Iraq - Army 1st Lt. Antonio Hardy took a slow look around the east Baghdad neighborhood that he and his men were patrolling. He grimaced at the sound of gunshots in the distance. A machine gunner on top of a Humvee scanned the rooftops for snipers. Some of Hardy's men wondered aloud if they'd get hit by a roadside bomb on the way back to their base. "To be honest, it's going to be like this for a long time to come, no matter what we do," said Hardy, 25, of Atlanta. "I think some people in America don't want to know about all this violence, about all the killings. The people back home are shielded from it; they get it sugar-coated." While senior military officials and the Bush administration say the president's decision to send more American troops to pacify Baghdad will succeed, many of the soldiers who're already there say it's a lost cause. "What is victory supposed to look like? Every time we turn around and go in a new area there's somebody new waiting to kill us," said Sgt. 1st Class Herbert Gill, 29, of Pulaski, Tenn., as his Humvee rumbled down a dark Baghdad highway one evening last week. "Sunnis and Shiites have been fighting for thousands of years, and we're not going to change that overnight." "Once more raids start happening, they'll (insurgents) melt away," said Gill, who serves with the 1st Infantry Division in east Baghdad. "And then two or three months later, when we leave and say it was a success, they'll come back." Soldiers interviewed across east Baghdad, home to more than half the city's 8 million people, said the violence is so out of control that while a surge of 21,500 more American troops may momentarily suppress it, the notion that U.S. forces can bring lasting security to Iraq is misguided. Lt. Hardy and his men of the 2nd Brigade of the Army's 2nd Infantry Division, from Fort Carson, Colo., patrol an area southeast of Sadr City, the stronghold of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. A map in Hardy's company headquarters charts at least 50 roadside bombs since late October, and the lieutenant recently watched in horror as the blast from one killed his Humvee's driver and wounded two other soldiers in a spray of blood and shrapnel. Soldiers such as Hardy must contend not only with an escalating civil war between Iraq's Sunni and Shiite Muslims, but also with insurgents on both sides who target U.S. forces. "We can go get into a firefight and empty out ammo, but it doesn't accomplish much," said Pvt. 1st Class Zach Clouser, 19, of York, Pa. "This isn't our war - we're just in the middle." Almost every foot soldier interviewed during a week of patrols on the streets and alleys of east Baghdad said that Bush's plan would halt the bloodshed only temporarily. The soldiers cited a variety of reasons, including incompetence or corruption among Iraqi troops, the complexities of Iraq's sectarian violence and the lack of Iraqi public support, a cornerstone of counterinsurgency warfare.
  15. Ohhhhhhhhh My! I'm weally, weally scared! Mega Dittos!
  16. http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20070202/1028151.asp The tall trees and spectacular landscape in and along the gorge at state-owned Zoar Valley will remain undisturbed, according to the state's final management plan for the area. The long-awaited proposal for the nearly 3,000-acre Zoar Valley Multiple Use Area, released Thursday by the state Department of Environmental Conservation, calls for special protection of the gorge and a 300-foot buffer zone around it. Environmentalists, who have waged a spirited campaign to protect an area that contains some of Western New York's oldest and tallest trees, were generally pleased. "All in all, a good job," said Larry Beahan, forestry chairman for the Sierra Club's Niagara Group, who said the plan "will provide excellent protection for a Western New York treasure." The plan calls for splitting the main portion of Zoar Valley, which runs along the Erie County-Cattaraugus County line, into a special protection zone in and along the gorge and the rest of the area. Both areas "will be managed for passive recreational use," according to the plan, with access limited to foot and water traffic. The DEC will ask the State Legislature to place the protection zone in the state's Nature and Historic Preserve Trust, which land stewards say is akin to giving the land the "forever wild" status afforded the Adirondacks and the Catskills. "It's the highest possible level of protection designation in the New York State land system," said Jim Howe, executive director of the Central and Western New York Chapter of the Nature Conservancy. "As I understand it, this means there can never be any building on this property," he said. "It will never be exchanged for other lands. It's a significant level of protection for the area." The plan does not eliminate tree cutting in the area, as some had hoped, but it does state any cutting "will not be for the purpose of managing for commercial timber value." It says that any tree cutting will be confined to areas outside the protection zone. Specifically, it mentions the desire to convert forests of conifers planted years ago "to natural forest stands or grasslands." For the first time, the DEC defined "old growth forest" and will use that definition in future plans. An old growth forest, the state said, involves such factors as an abundance of trees at least 180 to 200 years old in a contiguous forested landscape, limited human disturbance since European settlement, an uneven canopy and an absence of multiple-stemmed trees.
  17. Good point about the Israeli defeat. I'm sure the Iranians are getting lots of Chinese and Russian technical help. The people who think we are simply fighting savages are displaying the same ignorance and arrogence that led us into Iraq.
  18. I was at the gym yesterday and got on a machine next to this Republican moron. He had his headset plugged into the set in front of us and it was Hannity's show, the one with "Enemy of the State" or whatever on it. This guy was reacting to the stimuli of the show. One minute he is muttering "That guy should be in jail!" as the tv showed some sinister looking muslim man over and over again. I think it zoomed in to show his hand pounding the table! Woooo! Then he shrieked "Hanoi Jane! Hanoi Jane!" as the next stimuli came on. He was gasping and exasperating the whole time the "Hate" was on. Really reminded me on 1984. I don't think we will attack Iran. But I am hardley firm in that belief. If Iran stops the oil in persian gulf for awhile there will be serious reprecussions. But then again, most of us informed people knew Iraq would be a disaster and the neo-cons didn't listen. So who knows
  19. Hey moron, if you have something to post from the IRS web site, post it, if not buzz off. I stand by my claim that that simple little parable which is falsely attributed to an economist, is crap. Do you think the rich pay too much in taxes? Is that what you are crying about?
  20. 1) And how will a national sales tax make any difference? You really think we will suddenly pay fewer taxes? 2) Because state sales taxes are much lower and don't even cover the states budget. How in the world will a national sales tax cover the massive budget of the federal government at 17%? Can't do it! More like 30% sales tax, and a disaster.
  21. I just called the police and reported the money was stolen by the federal government. What the criminals did with the money is not my fault I gotta fly
  22. I'm not doing anything of the sort, I'm just shwing that that parable that was originally posted was silly. I stated my problem with the tax cuts and on your 'solution' to the income tax
  23. Oh come on. You think the United States exists in a vacuum? How many illegal immigrants flow over the border each year? And if you think Americans wouldn't cheat on a national sales tax on a wide scale you don't understand human nature. I pay something like $12,000 a year in federal taxes. You think people are not going to look to black market to reduce that figure? If they will do it for cigs they will do it for clothes, shoes, cars everything. The National Sales tax would turn so many average citizens into criminals that the law would soon become a joke, much like Prohibition was.
  24. Bush assisted al-Quida by invading Iraq, you gonna throw that idiot in jail too?
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