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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Zing! Yes dumb dumb! Is there some law that says the feds have to pony up everytime the locals want a new court house? Bush did not have to include this in the budget. Its a political favor to Western New York. What do you think, Bush and Congress were forced to pay this? Next time maybe you could get someone to read and expalin the articles I post for you, it would help avoid confusion: "WASHINGTON - The 2008 federal budget President Bush will propose Monday will include $47 million for Buffalo's new federal courthouse, virtually guaranteeing that the long-delayed project will finally move forward. News of Bush's support comes a day after the House passed a spending bill including more than $280 million for courthouse construction between now and Oct. 1, some of which may be targeted to the $130 million Buffalo project. Those two moves mean that for the first time, both Congress and the White House have taken nearly simultaneous actions boosting the Buffalo project, long the judiciary's top courthouse priority."
  2. No, a better example of an idiot, actually several idiots, would be the clowns like you that live in a country that has the best economy in the world and saying taxes are killing us. Perhaps we should go back to the Republican level of taxation of the 1920's? What a bunch of morons
  3. OMG! Are you really this dumb? I'm talking about PORK, Federal money going to local regions. The whole discussion is federal taxes. Can't you at least try and understand what the topic is? Maybe those voices in your stupid head are too loud or something?
  4. Its one small step, it gives people jobs, middle class people, mostly from taxing the rich. This is going on all over the country, thousands and thousands of jobs all over. So next time you hear a politicians blathering on about cutting pork, just remember he is also blathering on about cutting jobs.
  5. Avoid it all you want, I'm still right and you are wrong.
  6. Blah blah blah....Sure, pork spending=Communism. How stupid! I got an idea. You tax cuters should get together and protest at this work site. You can call the workers theives and say they are earning stolen money. "Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Stolen Tax Money Has Got To Go!" Don't have a cow, just kidding. BTW, Good job Mr. Bush! We thank you http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20070202/1000632.asp
  7. Bzzzzt! Wrong, but thanks for playing. Redistributing income in a consumer driven economy--2/3 of our economic activity is coinsumer spending-- is not only benefiticial but extremely necessary. Money borrowed or raised from taxes--from the rich--and spent by the government does end up in the private sector anyway. It ends up in middle class consumer's hands who go out and buy things which creates jobs. That was the main lesson learned in the Great Depression that the New Deal sought to deal with. WW2 did finally deal with it on the scale necessary as the New Deal was too small in scope to fix the unequal distribution of income. But please, keep spewing your right wing ignorant talking points about how the rich are overtaxed and all that, its fun to laugh at
  8. Actually I'm against that, too. Which is much better than the approach you guys SEEM to be taking. If you are going to spend the money then keep the taxes to pay for it. Don't just cut and charge, that's irresponsible. And BTW, pork spending is good, it gives middle class people jobs. Just pay for it, and yes, pay for it by mostly taxing the rich.
  9. My homework? LOL, ya whatever, nice dodge again. Hell, you don't even come up with your own insults. You have to rely on that idiot finger boy for material. Have a nice day boys
  10. 1) They do, unless you want to create a government organization to regulate the poor's spending habits. Maybe it could be outsourced! 2) We the people 3) Thinking great thoughts comes naturally and easily to me. Don't confuse me with the Conservative Hannity/Limbo fans on this board
  11. Back to the same old tired tact I see. You guys must be reading from a Rush Limbo "Blame the poor" talking points. As has been pointed repeatidly, the poor do not own that much and can't really contribute at the federal level; ergo tax relief for the poor is a non-issue. Should the middle class pay more in taxes to give relief to the rich? Or do you just accept as fine that its all put on the national credit card?
  12. Nice dodge! Coward! Coward!
  13. He is still right, posting garbage about some claric in Australia doesn't prove anything about Iran. Your the one being intellictually dishonest there.
  14. Then don't be shy, I'd love to rip your silly little notions apart. Do tell
  15. My oh my you are an angry little sot! an ignorant one at that!
  16. Can't you just say you don't know?
  17. More effective than what? Letting them keep all their money?
  18. So then they are tax cuts for the rich! Ok, I agree
  19. As well they should. How much do you expect a person living in a shelter to pay? Or someone who spends all their earned income on rent, food and stuff for the kids?
  20. Sure I do, about $2,500 a year. Property taxes, state taxes etc. raise a whole new issue. We were talking federal taxes. Those who say the rich are being unduley burdened want to only focus on Federal taxes, not state and local taxes which are much more regressive.
  21. I can understand that in part. A person earing 200,000 in Buffalo is not going to feel the tax pinch like a person in Los Angeles. Still, the rich overall are doing great
  22. Don't give me the great nation crap. I know its a great nation and I hope it stays that way. And by the way, you can be born poor and become rich even with our current tax system So the Census bureau is a partisan website???? And I only pointed out the rich are getting richer because you think they are overtaxed. I don't. I also don't care they are getting more wealthy, but I do care that people like you make it seem like those poor dears are overburdened. They are not! They are prospering under this taxation that as you said, and I paraphrase, "is about as bad as that suffered by the colonists under British rule." That was you right? I appologize if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. Don't like my antiwar.com? Well I think it is a great site. And what media do you rely on? Please tell. I'd be interested to check it out
  23. Wow, there are wackos in the world, imagine that. And if anyone is plotting to blow up anything, like a federal building in OK, they should be put in jail.
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