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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Oh, no doubt! Kirk was awesome, Picard was not. Who can ever forget kirk in that episode where they went back to 1920's Chicago? "Put em on ice!"
  2. And yet another update! Now a grand jury is going to be involved. Good to know my post here got noticed and people are finally doing something about this: http://buffalonews.com/101/story/28549.html
  3. Are hopes still high for him? I keep seeing we need someone in middle but I thought this kid was really good. What did I miss?
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070309/ap_on_...gingrich_affair WASHINGTON - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich acknowledged he was having an extramarital affair even as he led the charge against President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, he acknowledged in an interview with a conservative Christian group.
  5. We have an update: http://buffalonews.com/101/story/27975.html
  6. After all, its money that can be spent in Iraq. Sure, it's not much compared to what we waste on the Iraq adventure, but every bit helps http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070307/ap_on_...congress_sewers The kicker: The White House, in a statement released Tuesday, said the administration strongly opposes the bill, stating that the money approved was "unrealistic in the current fiscal environment." --------- What fiscal environment? The one created by Republican tax cuts and overspending?
  7. Yes, but the point was, what were each covering up? Lying about a blow job is not as bad as lying to protect someone that outed a CIA agent. Who is hiding the bigger crime? That is important. Clinton's blow job was totally a witch hunt. It was the height of folly to have a make believe friend tape record Monica Lewinski and use that to get a president. As to Rove or Cheney, I believe all this came out of the VPs office, not from Rove. Cheney was a key figure in the trail even though he did not appear. He thought about testifying for the defense but feared cross examination and backed out.
  8. Nope, but are you suggesting that him lying about what he knew in this case is simply of no matter? He was protecting someone, maybe himself, maybe Dick. We don't know
  9. Ya dave, a blow job and outing a CIA agent are both "crimes" of the same magnitude. And you can take it a step further, why was she outed? To punish someone for exposing the lies that took us to war. This is a very serious case, not a witch hunt.
  10. Your partisan blinders are working just fine I see.
  11. Ya, outing a CIA agentr should not be considered a crime
  12. What did he lie about again? An undercover CIA agent that had been outed, right?
  13. Ya, getting government health care means you don't run your own life. Ya, ok
  14. This from a clown who would rather be left to his own devices than let the government provide for his health care. What do you cook? Pot pies?
  15. Oh brother! Conservatives start a needless war which overloads the military medical system and then they turn around and declarte the government can't do health care. Bull! These are issues that confront private industry as well, take the nursing home industry for example: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2001/07/30/...ain304038.shtml I guess they would be better off taking care of themselves, too. I busted my head open playing hockey and went down to the VA and they stitched me up on the spot, no waiting, no hassel. Nothing is all good or all bad--even Conservatives--and to simply chalk this up to 'Government Bad' is silly
  16. You have every right to be as angry as you can get! This is fu---g horrible! Unacceptale to the furthest degree! Rush is right! No doubt.
  17. You are talking about slitting your own stupid throat and are saying I'm unhappy? I must say it is rather remarkable how every empty head on this board turns ever thread into a personal attack. Now I'm unhappy, a manic depressive who lives only to see others fail! I'm so depressed in fact I can't even bring myself to see the joy in slitting my throat! Well I think you are the joke. Typical neaderthal, knuckledragging moron that hates politics, but hates Democrats more. I hope you lose your keys today and can't find them even after you tear apart your place looking for them. You know, like you dropped them in the snow and can't find them till spring, or something. You low life creep
  18. Oh bull crude. If they wanted to hurt us they could just turn off the oil. On big reason given by the Bushbots and others for staying in Iraq is so the conflict doesn't spread. The leading sunni country [sA] is taking to the leading Shiite country [iran] to try and prevent that. That is a good thing.
  19. Do you think he can win the nomination? The polls are showing that social conservatives are laening his way even in the really red states. Maybe its just early and the real campaigning hasn't started yet?
  20. Canada has high taxes but Toyota has moved there, too http://www.toyota.ca/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WW...t160000e%2ehtml
  21. True, my bad. Still they are baby steps, hopefully they will go farther
  22. Remember away! But isn't Rudy'd nomination--if it happens--one giant flip-flop for the GOP on the social issues?
  23. I don't have to build strawmen. Are you seriously suggesting that you represent all conservative opinion?
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