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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Bush is just misunderstood, and misunderstands, he's really a good guy. He just doesn't know what the F is going on. Stop picking on him already. He isn't fat legged Hillary, ya know.
  2. 1) If Ohio made all drugs legal, for instance, drug use would go up in New York. Not that I in any way think Prohibition of drugs is "working" or that the side effects are not disasterous disasterous. 2) And the concealed weapons thing, you might be right, but again, the effect would probably be minimal. Probably save less lives than are lost through medical malpractice, lol. It might make the people carrying the guns feel safe, and that's probably what this is all about, not that there is anything wrong with that
  3. 1) And they are an honest attempt to understand a very serious social problem with the hope of finding solutions. Yes, they are used and manipulated for gain, but absent the stats others measures or lies would be used. 2) Thanks. But, putting more guns out there might increase the number of violent deaths, accidents from kids getting guns or just might make criminals look to heavier weapons. In the United States, IMO, local gun bans are useless as long as others places don't have them. Criminals of course will get them. So it only makes sense to let everyone have them, though it might make everything worse in the long run. If there were a whole bunch of Richard Getzs out there, crime might go down, but most people are not like him.
  4. 1) Ya, it was. Not that that is bad all the time, but this time it was. If I thought it was going to be successful, with a real positive outcome I could have cared less for the lies and overlooked the insanity of war, but I just didn't see occupying suicide bomberland as even having the possibility of a happy outcome. 2) That would go double or triple for the people who supported it. 70% of people thought Saddam flew both planes into the towers, and think war is just like it is in a John Wayne movie.
  5. Not to turn this into "Crossfire" or anything--Eh, Bluefire?--but a Republican has come out for his firing, too. A Northern Republican, btw. The winds of change? WASHINGTON - Sen. John Sununu (news, bio, voting record) of New Hampshire on Wednesday became the first Republican in Congress to call for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' dismissal, hours after President Bush expressed confidence in his embattled Cabinet officer. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070314/ap_on_...les_prosecutors
  6. And it might not go down. Or it might go up. I just don't think everyone is going to run out and buy a gun, and even if they did, it just as likely to make things worse if other factors are takien into consideration.
  7. I am in no way anti-gun, but I really do not think this will affect the crime rate in DC, or anywhere. Iraqis are allowed to own guns and crime is the way of life there. Other factors besides gun ownership are much more important in eliminating crime
  8. Thinking of the troops, how would you want a common thief watching your back? Is that good for moral having people you can't trust in the ranks? A moron with a gun? What effect will that have on the rest of the troops? You guys are something, anytime someone brings up a legimate complaint you wrap yourself in the flag, thump your chest and say the troops are being spit on. With all these healthy, intelligent college age republicans organizing poiltically, you think they could serve and the army wouldn't have to take in people of lower standards. Think about it, people would join because they believed in the war, not just because they needed a job or financial assistance for college! What a concept.
  9. Your post reminded me of this, not that endorse or condemn the argument: http://www.umsl.edu/~skthoma/jfx.htm Anyone looking through the old tales of hookers and mobsters in Seymour Hersh's new JFK book, Dark Side of Camelot will come to some interesting new information. Hersh reports that members of the security operation for General Dynamics broke into the apartment of Judith Exner Campbell in August 1962. According to Hersh, they used whatever they found there to black mail JFK into making a controversial award of the TFX (Tactical Experimental Fighter) plane development to General Dynamics. (The TFX later evolved into the F-111) Hersh claims all this became known because the FBI spied on the General Dynamics spies. Such private covert ops as a tool of corporate control grew from practices like those of former Senator George Smathers, interviewed by the ABC television program based on Hersh's book. In the 1950s, Smather's law firm hired guards from a subsidiary of the security services apparatus of his friend George Wackenhut. The guards worked at the nuclear-bomb site in Nevada and Cape Canaveral, despite federal prohibition against such an arrangement between government and private police. The private group Wackenhut still supplies security to the US-owned Area 51. Steamshovel examines this issue in the book NASA, Nazis and JFK (click Steamshovel book cover above), and also makes available The Torbitt Document Supplement, with a longer article on Smathers.
  10. I posted an article that showed Saudi Arabia and Iran were at least trying to contain the violence and you ran off with some damn post about a different attack, concerning some other local with nothing to do with Iraq, SA or Iran. Terrorism is not confined to Arabs, Muslims or Jihadists. Many people use terror. That these country's are talking is a good thing.
  11. Yes, that's not such an achievment when you consider how they have lowered standards to let in people with criminal records, grandchildren and less than steller academic records.
  12. That proves it! All Muslims are terrorists. Good thing we got you to point that out.
  13. Ya! You are amazing! LOL, not only are you a traffic expert but you can analyze how happy people are with their lives, too. Gosh, I'm so jealous!
  14. I thought it was bad for USA if the Iraq disaster spilled outside its borders? Or is anything a great patriot like me likes 'bad' in your eyes? I like beer. Is that bad for America, too? I think these major sunni and shiite powers trying to head off a larger war is good. You, I assume, side more with our insane Vice President: Dick: An enemy that operates in the shadows and views the entire world as a battlefield is not one we can fight with strategies used in other wars. An enemy with fantasies of martyrdom is not going to sit down at a table for negotiations. Nor can we fight to a standoff -- (applause). Nor can we fight to a standoff, hoping that some form of containment or deterrence will protect our people. The only option for our security and survival is to go on the offensive, facing the threat directly, patiently and systematically, until the enemy is destroyed. (Applause.) ______________________ Yes, we can just kill them all. Victory is possible as long as we keep fighting forever. This from a guy who got 5 deferments
  15. 1) Just saying that of course the more drivers overall, the more bad drivers. That's really hard to understand! 2) I'm sure its about as "creditable" as you living in all these places, pulling out your weathercock and determining the number of bad drivers in an area. 3) I'm sorry about pointing out an obvious truth that States Rights was driven mainly and overwhelming by the slaveholders in the South at this time. They are all for it accept when the wanted a strong federal law to get their runaway slaves. And the same thing is becoming true in reverse about Nothern states and the GOP. Sick of the Shivio type sh--, anti-abortion, pro-war at any cost. And I'd just like to point out that those southerners sure loved us liberals when their farms were folding, they didn't have enough eat and no one would care for them when they were sick. Just keep the farm subsidies coming! And please tell me that states rights wasn't used to counter the Federal Government's push on Civil Rights. Where do I get such notions?!
  16. You are so full of sh--. You were saying that the number of bad drivers increases with the number of drivers. Well, sure. My link showed that in certain areas there are more bad drivers as a percentage of drivers. Well duh! Of course a certain area might have more bad drivers than another area, and it would have nothing to do with population at all, that is just common sense. I bet a trailor park full of drunks, population 300 would have more bad drivers than a small town full of law abiding citizens. Jesus Christ, one wonders what driving is like in Iraq? What is their population again???? LOL! Oh ya, the driving conditions there are probably affected by IEDs, not population. And stay away from the States Rights argument, when all the slave states preached it--except for the fugitive slave law--and the free states were against it, might that not be the determining factor, not just a "large" factor? I appologize for wasting time arguing with an idiot like you. How is that? Good enough?
  17. I dunno Darin, but it looks like HA has is right and you are wrong: http://www.driversdrive.com/cgi-bin/ddblog.pl?ddblog=6669051 Where are the Best and Worst Drivers? Allstate Insurance Company has released the findings from their study about which U.S. cities have the best and worst drivers. Allstate researchers analyzed internal data to determine the likelihood drivers in America's largest 196 cities (cities with over 100,000 residents) would experience an auto collision compared to the national average. The study found that drivers in Cedar Rapids, Iowa were the least likely to have a crash. The study revealed that the average driver in the central Iowa city will experience an auto collision every 15 years, compared to the national likelihood of a crash every 10 years -- making them 33.28 percent less likely to have an accident than the national average. The worst ranked city was Washington D.C. Drivers in D.C. had one accident every 5.2 years on average.
  18. Isn't agriculture still the number one "industry" in California? Without illegals that would suffer or collaspe and the price of food would sky rocket, would it not?
  19. I think they are good. Most are hard working people would good values who contribute significantly to the American economy. The Minutemen obviously think otherwise. Thoughts?
  20. Or Buffalo or politics??? When you clowns paint someone as being a certain way, don't expect them to actually be that way.
  21. http://buffalonews.com/101/story/31479.html
  22. I know this about you. You criticized me for a conversation I never was involved in. Where did I reply to brokes? I didn't. He jumped in with his nonsense and I ignored him, then you accuse me of "yelling" at him. Yes, that makes you look like an idiot
  23. What conversation? I never replied to him! No, it was meant as an insult and now you are just making sh-- up.
  24. Sort of, but I guess I'm immune from taking insults from you now. You actually put forth arguments sometimes.
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