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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Ya, health care will destroy us! That's silly. We can do it and it won't be the end of the world at all.
  2. I'm not saying that would not suck, but that's how it goes. I lived in a neighborhood that went to hell before and it had nothing to do with immigrants. I moved!
  3. Yes! Exactly! How dare those devils point out Bush's lies! What is their problem? Bush is great, Bush is...is...almost God like! Liberals don't get that. They look at Iraq and see a disaster. What idiots! Long haired freaks can't be right about anything, especially when then disagree with a real man like Bush. I hate them! Bush looks good, those liberals look ugly! Real ugly, how can they be right? I also hate the truth, but whatever. Bush is great, Cheney is a close second and the liberal media is a conspiracy against Bush. I think that's the only reason it was created, i.e. to expose Conservative lies, which really are not lies, they are just counter factual interpretations of reality based on faith, and faith is something liberals, the media, 66% of of the American public, Europe and Canada, especially Canada!!!! are lacking! God bless President Bush!
  4. I guess because its just over a generation ago, but no real reason. Yes, I think times are harder for the high school graduate to get ahead in the world.
  5. You know, has middle class person/family been hurt by job loses, taxes and immigration, the need for a two family income, etc. Or has technology, bigger homes, more people living farther from crowded cities etc. made life better? I tend to feel things have gotten better, but I bet someone could make the opposite argument.
  6. True. Some many people just simply want to make environmentalism a bad thing, as if there is too damn much clean air or something.
  7. I think you make a really good point. I don't agree the immigrants are working for pennies, and I don't think all the jobs are gone, but it is true that good blue collar jobs are hard to come by these days. That is for a variety of reasons, not just immigrants. I don't like your slaveholder comparison. If the immigrants left there would be a shortage of labor in many areas. Labor shortages do really happen, and they hurt employers and consumers alike.
  8. More younger people are better. People in their working years being productive. Face it, we have an aging population. And I guess maybe the American farm workers moved on to other jobs. I for one do not want to work in a field.
  9. I live in Buffalo. I use to work in Batavia, but never lived there. Actually, migrant workers are used around the farms there. You might be right, if I lived around more immigrants perhaps I would not like it. Still, I think for the country as a whole more people are better. Look at Europe, population decline--at least the rate of growth--is a serious economic problem. Older societies are not better, younger societies are. If everyone is retired who will do the work?
  10. Who needs polls to tell us Iraq is a sh-- hole? Just look at what is happening on the ground: Massive migration out of the country, for instance: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L13146608.htm Or the ethnic cleansing that is taking place: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L13146608.htm Or the newly expanded Baghdad morgue buldging with decomposing bodies: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml...05/ixworld.html Or all the kidnappings that are a way of life there now: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/02/24/...ain541815.shtml No one is saying Saddam wasn't a very bad man, but maybe it took a guy like him to run a place like that. I dunno, just saying.
  11. Well, I think we can safely assume that the Jewish vote given to Pat Buchanan were a mistake
  12. Oh ya, we have been over this. Look at it this way, agriculture is one of the biggest sectors of our economy, and having convicts do the work would basically give the government control over the work force. So government would decide who gets what workers. Its a dangerous situation if you ask me.
  13. Dude, why the hostility? It makes you look stupid that you can't answer my argument. I guess the truth makes people angrier than anything. I parrot nothing, but just argue what I feel is right. I've looked at the issue and come to a conclusion, so why all this "phony leftist" crap? Anyway My view is guided mainly by economics and history. I know that immigration made this country great and can continue to contribute to its growth. There are people who simply hate the immigrants because they are scared of them and pretend to care about economic issues to justify their bigotry. Not saying this is you, but it is still a big part of the anti-immigrant crowd. As to President Bush, yes I think he is a dangerous moron, but even he gets something right once and awahile.
  14. The Confederate flag that is! http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nati...syndication=rss TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — When artist John Sims sees the Confederate flag, he sees "visual terrorism" and a symbol of a racist past. When Robert Hurst sees the flag, he is filled with pride as the descendant of a soldier who fought for the South during the Civil War. Their differences have flared into a war of words, catching a local museum in the middle. Hurst walked into the Mary Brogan Museum of Art and Science last week and saw an exhibit by Sims, including a Confederate flag hung from a noose on a 13-foot gallows in a display titled "The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag."
  15. Illegal immigrants make more than the minimum wage from what I gather. Sometimes much more. Working in the meat packing plants isn't easy work and you have to convince someone to move from Mexico and do the work, they won't do that for minimum wage. Think how much you would have to pay Americans to do that. As to your point about prices and minimum wage, I don't think it will have nearly the impact of getting rid of illegals. Illegals have a bigger impact on the economy. Giving a minimum wage hick to the minimum wage workers could easily be absorbed by the economy, but if you got rid of the illegal workers altogther that would be a huge shock to the economy because the work would not get done. Look at Colorado--where we have the toughest illigal laws--they are running out of workers and have to turn to convicts to pick what they can.
  16. I don't think you have to be racist to oppose immigration, but there are those who are racists. Still, you make an argument that it hurts American workers. I'm not convinced. What if all the illegals left and McDonald's, farmers, meat packers, poultry companies, cleaning companies and all the rest of people that rely on cheap labor had to suddenly compete for the work force that was left. Wages would no doubt go up, but so would prices. The same worker making more money would have to pay more for a double order of chicken wings because the poultry plant had to pay more to find someone to strip and cut the chicken. Someone has suggested that we might automate more businesses. Ok, but that would take a lot of time and in the meantime there would be problems I'm sure. Taking a longer view, I think having the immigrants here, working, having kids--and most of them are good kids, like my father who was the son of an immigrant--adding to the population is a good thing. We need a younger population to help get us over the baby boom hump. THese kids will grow up to be productive workers who pay taxes and contribute their talents to the economy.
  17. What's the difference between them spewing sweet nothing at each other in the primaries and doing it in the general election?
  18. Oh brother! Don't you think the composition of the Supreme Court and the calling of terror alerts had more to do with it than the way Dem argue? And why did they win in 2006? They started arguing differently?
  19. It's U.S. Grant. I noticed Ron Paul lost his luster here after I showed them he was anti-war, lol
  20. 1) I knew the nuclear bomb stuff was total bs, but I thought he might have had some chemical weapons that he was going to use on our troops in the desert heat or on a city after we occupied it. The drone air craft, connections to al-quida, the idea he was a growing and gathering threat were all lies hyped as far as can be. Powell's address to the UN complete with scary power point was one of the lowest moments in our diplomatic history 2) Dead posts tell no tales! Boy, I'd love to read those, though 3) Come on, buying a yellow ribbon magnet makes it all ok
  21. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/20...poll-iraq_x.htm
  22. No, you misread my argument. Not just win, but that it leads to a good outcome, i.e., a better world. I can excuse the lies, I can't excuse the stupidity and arrogence. If I thought Bush had a real chance to bring Democracy to Middle East and make the place great, of course I would have supported it, no matter what he told the people. You have to do what ya have to do. The mission was a fantasy from the beginning though.
  23. Don't matter. Americans would never support a guy that wanted to launch a crusade against poor working folks
  24. Isn't he the guy who would have police go through Catholic churches to find immigrants they are feeding and sheltering?
  25. LOL, will you want him to give you a nice spanking every night, too?
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