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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Sorry, I was busy picking my teeth
  2. Poor little boo boo doesn't get to see the bombs go boom! Ahhhhh, poor little thing. Go play with your GI Joe doll now, that will make you feel better! Call me when Iran is demanding the Sudentenland, ok?
  3. Compared to today, like I said. Never said that at all. You are the one who needs to stop, stop reading what isn't there. Agraian society was bad, too. I'd say more but what's the point? I stand by what I have already wrote
  4. I'd say the "inventors" of the Communist ideal had far different motives than Lenin, Stalin, Moa or Ho Chi Mihn. Marx was a dreamer and thinker, while the later group were opportunists. But let's face it, early industrial society was no wonderland, like our own burned out paradise we live in now. Cronic underemployment, harsh working conditions, mass poverty etc. were basic parts of early industrial society.
  5. This benefits Canada more than anyone else
  6. http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/04/04/...lors/index.html Thank Darwin! I mean God!
  7. It did much more than that, though. It offered to "free" them from imperialism. Sure it was totally corrupt for the most part, but the people in so many places were living in sh-- so of course they were going to listen. When you are starving and someone offers a solution, you jump at it. Or when you are threatened with foreign domination, you give up your freedom for the common good. We have seen that here on a much smaller scale after 9-11
  8. Please show me how she is violating the Constitution. This is really a stupid argument
  9. She's running foreign policy??? I'm sorry, I didn't notice she was signing treaties with them. Congress allocates the funds to run foreign policy and the fact that she is out there discussing with world leaders the direction of our policy is a smart thing. Especially in light of the fact Bush is in charge. His incompetence needs to be challanged. Kudos to Pelosi, so far. She's doing a pretty good job as Speaker of the House.
  10. I'll skip over most of what you write, some of which I actually agree with, for the sake of brevity. Communism, socialism, Marxism is/are all very different things depending on when they happened and where. I really don't know what "communism" is. I do not think peaceful little Karl Marx would have agreed at all with what happened in Russia with the wicked Bolshevik take over there. I'd consider that a dictatorship that used egalitarian propaganda to cement its rule. And really, for as bad as soviet Communism was, it did have the very positive benefit that it built up the country so that it could defend itself against capitalist Germany. While the Soviets killed wholesale, what would the Germans have done to them had not the communist developed a modern industrial society that could build a war machine capible of stopping the Wehrmacht? We already know, don't we. So it was not all negative. In many ways "Communism" was born of worst abuses of capitalism. Its was anti-imperialst in many places. In Vietnam it was certainly that way. That's why the people did accept Communism. It was a unifying force agaisnt the foreign threat. You are correct to point out the millions killed by communist governments. I disagreed they were killed for some egalitarian ideal. I'd say its more they were consumed in countries drive to moderize, mainly for defense. Were these people stupid? Brutal, ruthless and bloodthirsty as they may have been, but they were not stupid. Let's not forget that capitalism was nearly as bad as the communism you describe. The African slave trade was as capitalist as you can get. The subjection of the native Americans was driven by the need of Europeans to expand their hold on land that was to be used in the market based economy. Andrew Jackson, a bloodthirst ethnic cleaner is still on our money, ya know. How many millions were murdered in the Congo in pursit of riches? The Opium wars against China to keep the markets open there are another example of capitalist aggression. And before you start on some ignorant rant that I hate capitalism or something, I'll clarify that it is the best system there is, but it has flaws, also. Communism was not all bad. It served a purpose for some people, and hopefully its gone, as is the environment that it grew up in.
  11. We are so doomed! Better call a terror alert before its too late
  12. Well, you do quack like a duck....
  13. Yes. You should have seen the press conference when an Iraqi journalist asked him which streets were safe. McCain about lost it. An Indiana congressman said the Baghdad market they were at was as safe as an Indian farmer's market.
  14. Trying to back up his claim that the streets are safe, McCain, along with one hundred troops, blackhawk gun ships, massive roadblocks and a bullet proof vest took a walk in Baghdad. He sure convinced me the media was misrepresenting the situation in Baghdad!
  15. Of course, they were arabs!
  16. That's a good point, another thing I wouldn't be surprised that isn't discussed in Israeli schools. Part of my original answer post was on that topic, the new Israeli historians write on that very topic. The right wing is very upset with them about it.
  17. But then why the aversion to showing a simple map in Israeli schools of the REAL--see fact--pre-1967 border? Let's say Israel was 100% right. If they were, why are they afraid of their kids seeing a historical map? Isn't that something of a de facto admission itself?
  18. Yup, stole the water and then attacked them and now they won't teach that in their schools.
  19. The war was over resources. Isreal just decided to take all the water out of the Jordan river for themselves, everyone else, be damned. Water is a pretty important resouce over there. When Israel's neighbors were deciding to do something about it Isreal launched a sneak attack against them, swallowed up a ton of land, and now refuses to teach their kids about it, which is the main point of this thread.
  20. Can't you get anything right? That almost cost the Union victory as well. The reason prisoner exchange broke down was because of black troops. The south wouldn't exchange black troops for white troops so Grant and Lincoln canceled the whole system. The Copperheads seized on this issue to portray Lincoln as a Black Republican and only fighting the war for blacks, while white soldiers died horribly in places like Andersonville. And the war hardley ended as soon as Grant did this, it went on and on. That was the bloodiest part of the war, the summer of 1864 was a terrible time.
  21. Earned the borders? Did Germany earn the borders through Poland in 1939? Israel started the war in 1967. Anyway, even if they were 100% in the right--The UN [see resolution 242] and United states said they were not--what's the harm of showing pre-1967 borders to students? Hiding something?
  22. I can't answer to all the ignorant crap you spew, but will address this. Why should we just care about the Jews he killed? How many people died on the Russian front? The Ukraine suffered more [perhaps 10 million deaths?] than any other region from Soviet and Nazi policies of mass murder, yet that isn't taught in schools and there are no museums in Washington--paid for by our taxes, btw. And your insanity is showing when you leap out and say people are denying Stalin's murders. As if there isn't enough outrage already, you need to invent more, connect it to socialism, and I assume, Liberals. You are just an idiot
  23. Great movie! And yes, perhaps one of the best ever. Too bad there were not more historical films like this. I can think of a hundred topics that need to be covered like that
  24. What a great topic! The writing of history. Not exactly a scientific exercise, is it? Careful how you throw around the idea that the “facts” need to be adhered to, there is a tremendous amount of blame to go on in every direction. Denying the holocaust happened is despicable, of course. Teaching children that it never happened is even worse. Before anyone wants to run off and use this in their racist agenda to kill all Arabs, though, let’s at least put it in perspective. Israel seems to be just as historically challenged as other nations: Panel slams inclusion of pre-1967 borders in school maps By Or Kashti, Haaretz Correspondent The Knesset Education and Culture Committee decided on Monday to summon Education Minister Yuli Tamir to answer questions about her decision to include Israel's pre-1967 border in textbook maps.??During the session, Kadima party and right-wing MKs lashed out at Tamir for her decision made two weeks ago to include the so-called Green Line border which excludes the West Bank, Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights from Israel.??National Religious Party Chairman MK Zevulun Orlev presented the committee with the 1967 Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee decision to remove the Green line -as well as the pre-1948 British Mandate border- from all but historical maps.? http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/802646.html And Israelis have been as bad at anyone in manipulating history. A new generation of Israeli scholars is challenging the official myths of Israel, but they are being called traitors for it. A good read: http://www.wrmea.com/backissues/0795/9507006.htm There, of course, is the exploitation of the Holocaust for gain by Jews. Isn’t that pretty bad, too? BTW, Ray Finklestein is a Jew who argues there is a “Holocaust Industry.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust_Industry I’ll add that Japan is in a fuss right now over the “Comfort Women” of WW2 and whether that should be taught in schools. And judging by the reaction on this board of slavery being the cause of the Civil War, America is hardly innocent of the official spreading of ignorance.
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