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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. I won't disagree about tossing the DD guy out. You come here, committ a crime, you should have to go back and re-enter America at a later date. But Geraldo was right about the maggot O'Reilly using this as a cheap political stunt to skapegoat an entire class of people. I know, I know, they are 'illegal' so its ok to hate them. If Dildo O'Reilly doesn't like drunk drivers, why doesn't he bash them more? Oh that's right, they are "legal" drunk drivers
  2. LOL!!! http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/apps/pb...1009&theme=
  3. Since this thread is a train wreck anyway, let me post the Republican's national health care proposal: http://www.faithhealingministries.org/ What is jesus making that guy do there on the left of the screen?
  4. The GOP race is more interesting. The candidates have to run hard right campaigns, pro war, hate gays, hate modern society really, and will then have to flip flop back to moderates to try and win the general election, all with Iraq exploding in the background. McCain is already looking like a complete fool, if not an insane maniac who has trouble talking anymore, while the others don't really seem to know what to do. I can't wait till the GOP candidates starts attacking each other. Which candidate will be seen as weak on gays? Which one doesn't have the respect of the military? Which candidate will work hardest to eliminate entire federal government? Which one will come up with the next new plan to fix Iraq? Should be good fun!
  5. This proves nothing about Pelosi's actions violating the Constitution. Congress can pass a law saying breathing is illegal, that doesn't mean if you breath you have violated the constitution. Has the Logan act been upheld by the Supreme Court? And under what circumstances? Seems like it was a partisan law passed in the heat of the moment to me.
  6. What if Bush shot Cheney to death live on tv, would he be arrested by the police? Or would there have to be an impeachment proceeding?
  7. Yes. One problem for Romney is his conversion to hard rock Conservativism. He is flip flopping from a liberal on social issues to a Conservative. So he won in Mass as a fiscal Con and a lib on social policy. He might get away with flip flopping because his opposition is weak in McCain and Rudy G. has the same problem on the same issues.
  8. Nice dig on the Logan Act. I wish Bush would charge her under it. That would be funny! Wouldn't that be a gas if all Americans were forbidden from discussing things with foreign governments! What a joke! Pelosi has every right to discuss issues of war and peace with anyone she wants. She won't be negotiating any foreign treaties, though. That's not her job. But trying to get the peace process moving forward is well within her perview. Peace! No wonder the right is freaking out! Israel might have to give up some land or something. Ick!
  9. Nope, this will fade away with the newscycle. And I'm offered a parking space each year but turn it down. I can park across the street and walk a little. Get a little more exercise that way.
  10. It's really silly to say that the Constitutional process has been subverted. That just isn't the case at all. This is all about stirring up the beleagured, depressed and demoralized Conservative base. Outrage over nothing is a key ingrediant in rallying that section of our poltical family. A liberal women from California taking on a role on the world stage, just intolerable!
  11. Oh brother. You think the average American voters gives two flying pieces of crap about this? The right manufactured this outrage to stir up their idiotic base. Funny how easily the talking points about "subverting the Constitution" and such were parroted on this board. Polly want a cracker?
  12. She would rather talk to an intelligent person instead of that moron Bush, I guess.
  13. From what I understand, Bush's people are working with Mitt Romney. Fox news looks like they are throwing their weight behind him as far as I can tell. I don't watch much of Fox, but seems like whenever I turn them on they are promoting Romney. McCain is dead, as far as I'm concerned. It really looks like Rudy G. just has too much baggage, but he is a fighter and survivor, so who knows. If I had to say, it would be Mitt Romney who wins the nomination for GOP. The Dem race looks close, Hilary and Obama with Edwards still hanging in there. That's all I know
  14. Hey look! OCinnPhilly writes for the Washington Post! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...id=opinionsbox1
  15. Oh dear me, you did call me out. I just thought someone had farted and didn't really pay much attention. Sorry loser, you are the one who tossed out the "Peace in or Time" crap. And you did seem disappointed the Brits got released, which is pretty sad and pathetic.
  16. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-...-opinion-center This op-ed argues that the Mexican birth rate is slowing as Mexico is adding more jobs of its own and that this will probably stop the migration into the United States meaning that we won't have enough low skilled labor as the baby boomers retire.
  17. From the article: I had to admit that the science I loved so much was powerless to answer questions such as "What is the meaning of life?" "Why am I here?" "Why does mathematics work, anyway?" "If the universe had a beginning, who created it?" "Why are the physical constants in the universe so finely tuned to allow the possibility of complex life forms?" "Why do humans have a moral sense?" "What happens after we die?" _____________________ So how does Religion or God or whatever answer any of these questions? He speaks of God's plan. What the hell plan is that?
  18. No. WTF is she doing but talking, what's the big deal? What gets me angry is that we have a foreign government with undo inflouence over our foreign policy for their benefit, not ours.
  19. Dude, you hang out in some crazy types of bars! Gang rape, people getting shot, blown up and dead bodies all over the place! Wow, I thought South Buffalo was bad!
  20. I have no idea how you reached that misplaced conclusion. The Sabres won last night, best game on the year IMO, so I am happy see------> :wallbash:
  21. Good question, and the answer is that its all relative. A lot of it has to do with perception. See, industrialization created a wealthy and a middle class[times were good for them], but it also created a huge working class. So to many--but certinly not all--in the working class, times were bad, hence, the appeal towards communism in their ranks. There is a huge historical debate about the first 50 years of industrial revolution in England. Did things get better or worse? After 50 years they did get better, most agree. Now what about before the IR? Also relative. Would you rather be a Roman Senator or a slave of the Romans? So it, depended on who was ruling who, the weather, population growth, all sorts of things. In the 1600's in England, for instance, there was a problem with overpopulation, which caused all sorts of problems. But when compared with today, agricultural society was awful. But to a king or nobleman of that time, things might have been good. Obviously today, here in America, things are great. I think anyway. That answer your question?
  22. poverty, oppression and no coffee
  23. No, you were just waving the appeasement flag as if getting these guys released was some sort of a defeat. That's all. Only a neocon idiot like yourself would find this as a bad thing. Can't blame some of us for thinking you were hoping they all got killed so you jack asses could use it as an excuse to kill more
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