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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. They must have REALLY violent video games and movies in Iraq! http://www.silive.com/news/advance/index.s....xml&coll=1
  2. They seem to have got it just right in Iraq, where everyone owns a gun
  3. I was talking to someone the other day and they said 25% of Americans work for the government at some level, city, county, state, federal, whatever. I tried to see if that was right when this article came up on CSM. I found this to be really surprising. http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0416/p01s04-usec.html
  4. Yes, I guess you feel he is using these people or something?
  5. Somewhere out there are the copycat killers waiting in the wings. Things like this always have sequals
  6. You are full of sh--. You answered one of my Cheney bashing posts by defending him, saying that he was really telling the truth and the media was wrong. I went back to find it but its gone. But you remember, the one where Cheney wasn't running for office again so he can be trusted :lol: Now you say you just distrust the entire world So just tell me, who is to be trusted more on "progress" in Iraq? "Last Throes" Cheney or the media?
  7. Tom, if an idiot like you were taking me serious I'd be worried
  8. You are straying from the point. You are the one claiming the White House/Cheney and company are more trustworthy than the media. That's a joke. Not only does Bush and company lie on a regular basis, they are completely incompetent. Here, from today's news on the "War Czar" idea: Reportedly, three retired generals -- Joe Ralston (Air Force), Jack Keane, (Army) and Jack Sheehan (Marines) -- were all approached about the job, and each turned it down. Sheehan has confirmed the story, with the reaction, “they (the White House) don’t know where they’re going.” http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18076025/ That's the whole point of our argument. You trust the White House more, I trust the media, and the media has been proved right time and time again. You have boughten into the big lie. Me flustered? Ya, arguing with you is like trying to teach a retard to read.
  9. Some very important people are taking Global Warming seriously, and even reccommend it be a national security issue: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/15/us/15warm.html
  10. I think its time we stopped blaming the swiftboaters and started blaming the idiots that listen to them
  11. Oh please, you finding a few examples--with the help of right wing bloggers, or whatever--in the vast media which runs thousands of articles a day is hardley enough to support your conspiracy theory of a left wing media. Oh my! The Times believing a lying soldier? That's proof of a vast conspiracy for sure! My example shooting down that conspiracy theory was 1000 times better, namely, McCain shooting his mouth off that the media was distorting Iraq security and then needing 100 soldiers, snipers, blackhawk helios, roadblocks etc. just to walk down the street. Face it, you have boughten into one of the BIG lies that keeps Conservatism afloat. I loved it, McCain spreading the big lie and looking like a fool tring to prove it. Everyday we were being told by the White House there was significant progress in Iraq. The real media--not the propaganda channel Fox--said no. Who was right? If you want to show your area 54 type conspiracy theory to be correct, tell me how Iraq is a paradise, where the progress is the media is covering up? You can't do it. Anymore than you can show me Terri Shivo was about to talk, or that her husband beat her, like Hannity and crew were saying.
  12. What? You saying he isn't? The guy who wrote the 100 most dangerous Americans and 95 or so of them are liberals? And the other book where he says Conservaties need to stand up for their small government principles? Ya, he's a real moderate!
  13. I guess the email isn't working too well at the White House: http://stripes.com/article.asp?section=104&article=45088 What idiots! BTW, Dana Perino is one nice looking lady! Good job Bush administration in hiring her
  14. Or maybe it should have had yet another stupid reference to a 3.5 die?
  15. He's a propagandist. And a very good one. I agree that the people who believe him are complete tools, but Dick Cheney does run to him and O'Reilly for interviews. That should tell you a lot about this administration. No wonder the vast majority of Americans don't trust them
  16. You do? But you think they are all idiots? So why do you read and watch them? And perhaps you could post some more pieces of "evidence" of left wing bias like that one you did about super bowl commercials which gave us all a good chuckle. Come now, if you are so sure of this left wing conspiracy in the media, perhaps some more proof would be easy to find?
  17. Hey, why don't you contribute a real thought or two to the discussion? Not bright enough there simple Simon?
  18. Ya! Good church values! Victims' advocates who dogged the Roman Catholic Church over sex abuse by its clergy have now turned their attention to Southern Baptists. The group is accusing America's largest Protestant denomination of also failing to root out molesters. The Chicago-based Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests — or SNAP — has started a campaign to call attention to alleged sex abuse committed by Southern Baptist ministers and concealed by churches. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/02/22/...in2503034.shtml A leading Baptists responds: http://www.bpnews.net/BPFirstPerson.asp?ID=25313 The kicker line: "We are not hiding behind anything, except the Bible."
  19. I think a lot of black leaders were afraid of Bill Cosby's statement because it would give liscence to ugly racists to attack blacks. You know the racist scum would say things like they have "ghetto standards" and "immoral behavior."
  20. It was a little joke there Tom, settle down, ok
  21. That's why I thought McCain's stroll through Baghdad was so funny. He sure proved the "liberal" media wrong! Face it, you call the truth "liberal" because you don't like it. Gees, I remember during the Monica thing CNN--the Clinton News Network?--showing Monica hugging Clinton before and after every commercial break. Ya, real liberal slant there.
  22. 1) So many were that Congress and the President bent over backwards to appease them. But forget terri, think Iraq war. Your comments on trusting the lying Cheney--Mr. Last Throes--is proof enough the right doesn't deal in reality. The right just makes up their own reality. 2) No, thinking he was fair was the funny part
  23. Turns out they are trying to stuff the government full of wacky Evangelicals to purify the world. Pat Robertson's law school--think about that for a second!--is turning out these freeks and Bush is placing them in charge of our government departments. Incredible! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...7040601799.html Bill Maher has a funny take on this in Salon.com today: http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2007/.../pat_robertson/
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