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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. I'm no defender of GG at all, but he is 100% right here. There needs to be some central planning to try and manage this giant economy. Yes, it costs something. Is it better to pay a little or have all the bad things that can occurr because of a crash of the economy? Don't just think of massive poverty, think about the politics in situation like that. Hitler took power during an economic downturn. Economic downturns are dangerous and horrible. You should be thankful we have institutions in place to stear us clear of the unthinkable
  2. We pay one way or the other for the welafe for the rich. Funny how easy it is to print money and let prices rise. Imagine i the solution was to raise taxes
  3. Do they? Are you sure about that?
  4. AMMAN, Jordan -- Sen. John McCain, traveling in the Middle East to promote his foreign policy expertise, misidentified in remarks Tuesday which broad category of Iraqi extremists are allegedly receiving support from Iran. He said several times that Iran, a predominately Shiite country, was supplying the mostly Sunni militant group, al-Qaeda. In fact, officials have said they believe Iran is helping Shiite extremists in Iraq. Speaking to reporters in Amman, the Jordanian capital, McCain said he and two Senate colleagues traveling with him continue to be concerned about Iranian operatives "taking al-Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back." Pressed to elaborate, McCain said it was "common knowledge and has been reported in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that's well known. And it's unfortunate." A few moments later, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, standing just behind McCain, stepped forward and whispered in the presidential candidate's ear. McCain then said: "I'm sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not al-Qaeda." http://blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2...ml?hpid=topnews
  5. I understand enough. Big government is saving the sacred private sector from itself. I'm just wondering if you are against that? I remember you were complaining how the government was taking too much of your earnings on investments from taxes, yet here they are saving your investments. Funny how that works, eh?
  6. Are not your stocks the Fed stepped in to protect up today?
  7. You mean like how these corporations can have a 32 to 1 ratio of borrowed money to underlying capital? That sounds like buying on margin, and as you say, "risk, what risk?"
  8. Really? So was Stearn brought down by panic or genuine trouble withn its books?
  9. 1) The Fed took on their risk, that's the whole point. Woo hoo! Let's celebrate the free market! 2) That's another topic altogether and very interesting, but much is still unknown about the deal, don't tell me what to complain about, unlike you I don't look at a headline in the driveby medai and run off to make posts about it.
  10. You need to read what I write. I never said panic at all, I actually said Iran probably wouldn't go that route anyway so this is all an academic exercise. And actually what you said last time I asked you to explain your load of bull was, and I quote: "It's not my job to educate you." And you stormed out. Great argument!
  11. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...8031702150.html Really good summary of what's going on
  12. The sub title says it all "America in the middle east"
  13. 1) I understand something about both, but there are things I do not know, that's why I said "might." What you don't know can kill you. Hey Mr. Bull Sh--er, if you know something about this do tell us. I don't think you do but I'm willing to listen, but somehow, like last time, I think you will just shout out some snide remark and try and hide your ignorance. Tell us why there is no chance for Iran to hit anything with a missile 2) Yes, an occupation force that is already crying about Iranaian weapons killing them. Imagine if Iran completely takes the gloves off and starts full operational attacks against the already overstretched military in Iraq. If you don't think that would cause major probalems then you are as stupid as I already think you are.
  14. Oh no, they just accepted the sh-- mortgage obligations thus becoming a creditor in the business. They basically took over the worthless debt that had dragged the company down thus enabling JPM to buy them out. The Fed is bailing the whole rotten system out with monetary policy anyway.
  15. It wouldn't have to be a lucky shot. The Iranians can plug a tanker if they want to. I don't think they would want to though. But, depending on how good the Sunburn missle is they might actually be able to plug a few of our ships, something that would be a huge prestiage deflater for us, and something the military would want to avoid. If Iran wanted to interfere with the oil it could just turn off its own oil and say the US bombed the pipeline. We would get the blame for the resulting economic choas. Really though, if Iran wanted to take the war to us after a strike, there are 160,000 targets sitting right in Iraq. Iran would bring more sophistated weapons to bear against those troops, and tanks would be damaged or destroyed, helocopters would be shot down, more mines would appear etc. It would be a mess times ten.
  16. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-op-...0,4039194.story good history of wiretapping
  17. If it were working just fine the Fed wouldn't need to step in with this "Socialism for the rich" approach. This is only the beginning. The huge bailout will follow, and its going to be huge! And oil just hit another record high.
  18. I forgot, I had actually read Mornings on Horseback. That was pretty cool. So anyway, I'm glad you started this thread. It must have been about 15 years ago I was watching book notes on c-span and McCullough was on with David Halberstram--simply a great historian also--and George Will. Will was just gushing over the Bridge book. Couldn't praise it highly enough. Then I saw a PBS special on the building of the bridge and I think it was based on the book and I said I have to read that. So 15 years later--friday--I go and get it at the library and toss aside the book I was reading. Well worth it! Great book. Much of it takes place in the Antebellum era which is my favorite era of all history. John Roebling was a pretty interesting chap, brilliant, energetic and very strange. Can't wait to get to the part about the Niagara bridge. Have you ever read Page Smith? I think you would like him if you haven't
  19. That's a good question. No doubt the government did, but I'm not sure if the companies did by helping. One company refused to help unless a FISA court came out with a warrent and the Feds said no thanks. So not everyone went for this. As far as I know they broke the FISA law and perhaps they violated the 4th Amendment, though we won't know that part of it if they--the companies-- are granted immunity
  20. The Asian markets are already falling today. If the Feds had not stepped in we would be in a world of hurt right now. Hopefully they can get all this turned around. Because if they don't....
  21. If you like fiction, maybe you will like this: http://www.rense.com/general69/dayone.htm
  22. You need to shape up! This is a respectable board and insults are not helpful
  23. This is not true. The law suits are over trying to find out who the government illegally spied upon with the telecom's help. They did break the law, no one is denying that
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