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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. This is one of the best books that I'm not too sure many people know about: http://www.amazon.com/Classic-Slum-Salford...1304&sr=1-8 I was cleaning my desk this weekend and found it and started reading it again. It's about a guy's life growing up in an industrial "village" as a member of the working class in England. Kind of reminds me of Angela's Ashes, though it isn't a novel.
  2. Oh ya, Iraq is a liberal program, I forgot Too bad the vast majority of Liberals opposed it
  3. Tommy will explain it to you later
  4. 1) Irrelevant 2) Obscure to the majority of those reading the piece, duh. (which you should know) 3) Kinda proves Spitzer's point, doesn't it? There ws an obvous problem with these subprime mortagaes, this has been known for years. The states tried to do something about it. Bush could have taken the lead in this, but instead, he fought the people trying to stop the disaster and look at the mess we are in now. Nothing a tax cut can't fix, huh? 4) You questioning the timing??? Have you been paying attention? Spitzer, the governor of New York--you do know where Wall Street is located?--was turning up the heat on this issue just as the meldown was beginning. They wanted the number one point man in this crusade out of the way, I'm sure. I don't know if they "got him" but it wouldn't surprise me at all.
  5. Nicholas Kristof: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/23/opinion/...tml?ref=opinion But if you believe that staying in Iraq does more good than harm, you must answer the next question: Is that presence so valuable that it is worth undermining our economy? Granted, the cost estimates are squishy and controversial, partly because the $12.5 billion a month that we're now paying for Iraq is only a down payment. We'll still be making disability payments to Iraq war veterans 50 years from now. Professor Stiglitz calculates in a new book, written with Linda Bilmes of Harvard University, that the total costs, including the long-term bills we're incurring, amount to about $25 billion a month. That's $330 a month for a family of four. A Congressional study by the Joint Economic Committee found that the sums spent on the Iraq war each day could enroll an additional 58,000 children in Head Start or give Pell Grants to 153,000 students to attend college. Or if we're sure we want to invest in security, then a day's Iraq spending would finance another 11,000 border patrol agents or 9,000 police officers. Imagine the possibilities. We could hire more police and border patrol agents, expand Head Start and rehabilitate America's image in the world by underwriting a global drive to slash maternal mortality, eradicate malaria and deworm every child in Africa. All that would consume less than one month's spending on the Iraq war.
  6. Now that's rather interesting....
  7. LOL, you get "panic" from me saying Iran probably wouldn't attack. Like I said, you are a stupid a-- hole
  8. You are still the biggest a-- hole on the board, though. And pretty stupid too. Oh wait, RKFast probably thinks otherwise. But that just proves my point
  9. While its also my opinion that those "loans" backed by near worthless mortgage securities will never be paid back, I seriously doubt that the average person is sick of the banks. Most people just want the system to be stable and life to go on as normal, which Bush's people are trying to accomplish. God speed to them. If Bush gets just one thing right, let's hope to hell this is it. I think the oil companies will get blamed for everything. With the inflationary policies taken by the Fed the cost of importing oil is generally rising making gas more expensive at the pump. Part of me really likes that. Hopefully that will push the government and citizens alike to action on conservation measures. Of course a recession would dampen oil prices, so whatever.
  10. You watch too much Fox 'News'
  11. And Reagan and his budget busting tax cuts get the credit where Carter and his appointment of Volker as Federal Reserve chairmen deserve them for ending the stagflation
  12. I know you are incapable of discussing a topic rationally, but please try and explain what "surge" in war on poverty I am supporting?
  13. And our navy is super duper great and no one can ever, ever hurt it at all.
  14. 1) I take it you are against any efforts to try and deal with the crisis, is that right? 2) My guess is inflation, what's yours? What are the ramifications of doing nothing Mr. Constitutionalist? 3) Mortgage defaults and margin calls and basically a run on the bank 4) Says the guy who is trying to peg the Iraq fiasco on liberals
  15. I never saw searching for Bobby Fisher. I have to. I use to be a Yahoo! Chess addict but don't play as much anymore. I could waste 3 hrs sitting there playing three minute chess. I'll check out that redhotpawn and let ya know what I think.
  16. McCain sounds so smart, except when it comes to using the military.
  17. That's a great book! Hs the chess book helped your game??? I'm reading McCullough book on the Brooklyn Bridge now. Lovein it!
  18. I went down the river with him on this one once. In his opinion Iraq is a big government program like the war on poverty or something. I don't know who we bombed during the war on poverty, but you get the picture. I suppose he has a point.
  19. Winning the White House is so huge. It towers over the other branches of government in terms of power. Dems look good in Legislative races: http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/politi...icans-goal.html
  20. Two things: How did Fed deliver the GD? And Jefferson was wrong
  21. It would be Libermann on the other end telling McCain who to bomb, and he will explain later. McCain is a warmonger. I remember back in 1998/ 1999 how he was calling for full scale groud forces for Kosovo. I've tried to like him but the more he talks the more he sounds like he is even more retarded than Bush.
  22. Too bad we don't have a Lemon law for war
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