1) Because it doesn't matter
2) I read it and it was interesting. Would like to hear Spitzer's reply to them, though that won't happen now
3a) Why did Court rule? LOL, because Bush instead of working with the states to stop it sued the states to stop enforcement. That's why. Pretty simple.
3b) Spitzer did reign in the banks he could, Countrywide for instance, even though its a California company but it did business in New York. But was Bear Stearns a state "bank?" No, it was outside the regulatory network for other reasons. All of this smacks of hiding behind jourisdictions, classifications of companies, etc. Lots of smoke and mirrors used to hide these predatory lending practices and other white collar crime.
4) You answerred your own question. He was playing politics and if he was brought down because of that the timing makes perfect sense
5) Do you feel Bush should have done more to confront this problem?