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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Holy crap! You hypocrite! *You mean like that?*
  2. I just don't want to get into it. What's the point....
  3. I know, I know, we gots to get all the "bad guys." He that is naughty in thy eye!
  4. I know, GG, I know. The bar is pretty low
  5. Dude, the WSJ was blaming Saddam for Oklahoma City attack years ago. http://www.opinionjournal.com/extra/?id=110002217
  6. Country A [iraq] harms Country B [israel] Country C [united States] then destroys Country A using attack on Country B as a reason Why did Country C go to war? I'm very, very bad for writing what I just did
  7. GG thought it was a great idea
  8. lol, any criticism of Israel is anti-semitism. You have been conditioned very well
  9. I like kicking the sacred cow
  10. So we went to war for Israel? At least in part?
  11. It's also pretty sad that all these years later the neocons are sill trying to justify this fiasco.
  12. You can release a report that ties the US government to Saddam and Osama Bin Laden, so what?
  13. I'd shake his hand Mr. 4-F
  14. http://www.sltrib.com/ci_8687400?source=rss Pretty interesting.
  15. There was nothing to show but your ignorance, which you demonstrated with your previous post. I actually am disappointed. I thought you might be able to offer me a someone intelligent discussion but you are obviously not up to it.
  16. I agree with you, thanks for backing up my point of view
  17. 1) Wow, just wow. I was under the impression the founders lived in the pre-industrial world of the 18th century. I'm not surprised they had different views about the world. You do realize things have changed in the world a tad bit since 1789, don't you? 2) This is beyond stupid. Are you actually saying that a handful of politicians in the Senate represent Liberal opion across the country? You are completely out of touch with reality
  18. 1) Wow, you really are an idiot 2) Wow, you really are stupid. Talk about avoiding the issue 3) Obviously 4) ROTFLMAO!!!! Oh really? I wasn't aware the President worked alone...You are something special. Sort of special education like. How about making lending less of a loan sharking business? And applying more scrunity to rating agencies that are connected to these mortgage companies and give these mortgages AAA ratings so the companies can sell them off as securites to unsuspecting investors? You are the biggest appologist of Bush's policies on this board
  19. Hey, you enjoying watching the Federal government bail out the capitalist system? Must be gauling for you, huh?
  20. 1) Because it doesn't matter 2) I read it and it was interesting. Would like to hear Spitzer's reply to them, though that won't happen now 3a) Why did Court rule? LOL, because Bush instead of working with the states to stop it sued the states to stop enforcement. That's why. Pretty simple. 3b) Spitzer did reign in the banks he could, Countrywide for instance, even though its a California company but it did business in New York. But was Bear Stearns a state "bank?" No, it was outside the regulatory network for other reasons. All of this smacks of hiding behind jourisdictions, classifications of companies, etc. Lots of smoke and mirrors used to hide these predatory lending practices and other white collar crime. 4) You answerred your own question. He was playing politics and if he was brought down because of that the timing makes perfect sense 5) Do you feel Bush should have done more to confront this problem?
  21. I spend about $220 a month on gas. I can't wait for it to get warm enough to ride the motorcycle.
  22. Seemed pretty stable until we blew everything up
  23. You do realize that that was only a months worth of the Iraq fiasco? Ya, oil prices are sure grand since we occupied that country! Great point!
  24. I saw her on C-Span and wished I had paid more attention now that the mortgage crisis has hit. I'll have to check that book out
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