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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Sorry, all of you are idiots, but what else is new? I love how you "non-Bush supporters" go to such lengths to compare him to successful Democrats of the past. For your info GG, JFK inherited Nam from Ike and he was very hesitant about going further and may have been reversing course had he gotten another term. All those other instances you Bushbots sight do not compare to Iraq. You guys are always trying to turn Iraq in WW2, Korea or whatever. It's Bushish Botist par excellence. Neo-Con propaganda exercise 101. Forget it, it's a bull sh-- argument. Bay of Pigs was hardley something Kennedy was chomping at the bit to get involved in. And he let it go as quickly as he could, unlike Bush and Iraq. Missles in Cuba are hardly comparable to Saddam and whatever he may have had. AND KENNEDY DIDN'T FOKING INVADE CUBA YOU FOKING DUMB ASS! And the Korea comparsion is equally inane, they had overrun our forces So, these were men of peace that took war as a last resort.
  2. Yet another reason to love one of the greatest American artists of all time.
  3. I don't have time for detail, but its pretty simple. Any criticism of the status que regarding U.S. policy towrds Palistian-Israeli conflict is explained away by morons like GG as anti-semitism
  4. Ya, the weak dollar has nothing to do Bushonomics, no nothing And I would imagine that an Al Gore administrtaion would have done much more to lessen our reliance on foreign oil thru conservation measures that would have been road blocked, denounced and declared communistic by the current president's political party.
  5. Thanks for reading that. Why did you highlight that section? And are you actually implying I'm a Nazi by adding the "Herr" to my name for posting about a Jewish group trying to bring peace to Isreal??? You are so throughly brain washed its funny!
  6. JFK didn't invade Cuba, did he? FDR and Truman were men of peace that had wars pushed on them by foreign aggressors, they didn't go looking for reasons to knock off and occupy countries.
  7. Yup, everything is the government's fault! I wonder how much profit those oil companies would have made without the military protecting their interests in hostile areas of the world. BTW, this isn't about profits, its about dealing with a shortage of a resource. They should be raising the taxes on gas so people will use less.
  8. The more warmongers they parade through their convention the better
  9. We can encourage more Americans to burn up more gas like there is no tomorrow! While encouraging Americans to ignore the immediate crisis in energy we can also expand the deficit. McCain, a true Republican bent on running the country into the ground. Truly, he is Bush's heir to office http://news.yahoo.com/s/bw/20080416/bs_bw/...b20080415958396
  10. Yes, but you were--surprise surprise!!--writing about me. And your neurosis is obviously blinding you to the fact you replied to me yesterday. Idiot!
  11. We already have a stupidity tax, it's called the lottery
  12. Pretty interesting article: "For the sake of Israel, the United States, and the world, it is time for American political discourse to re-engage with reality," wrote Ben-Ami, whose grandparents were among the founders of Tel Aviv and whose father was a militant in the right-wing Revisionist Movement, in a column published Tuesday by the Jewish national daily The Forward. "Voices of reason need to reclaim what it means to be pro-Israel and to establish in American political discourse that Israel's core security interest is to achieve a negotiated two-state solution and to define once and for all permanent, internationally recognized borders." "We need to have a much more robust discussion in this country about what it means to be pro-Israel," said Victor Kovner, a former Corporation Counsel of New York City and a member of the group's advisory council. http://www.antiwar.com/lobe/?articleid=12701
  13. That's it, just follow the money. Thanks for the link, it was interesting
  14. They will be out of work in 2009. Just teach them the only real word they will need to know in Fort Green Zone: "Duck!!!" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080415/ap_on_...us_iraq_embassy WASHINGTON - The State Department is warning U.S. diplomats they may be forced to serve in Iraq next year and says it will soon start identifying prime candidates for jobs at the Baghdad embassy and outlying provinces, according to a cable obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press.
  15. Good move. The Palistians elected them to represent them and what's the harm of talking? Hell, they should be talking. 'They' negotiated with the IRA, right? And the Palistians do have very real grieviences and DESERVE to be heard. Hopefully this is one small step that leads to peace and two states that can live with each other. I just hope some right wing Israeli doesn't "Rabin" Carter for this. I noticed the Israeli secret service wouldn't protect Carter, though. Wonderful allies we have
  16. I go into PA a lot and see those signs in the little corner of PA--near Warren--I see regularily. Big state of course, so it doesn't mean it is that way for the whole state.
  17. Sounds like you like making stupid assumptions that make no sense at all and then posting them on the web. You idiot
  18. Well you are in luck, you dumb fok. Stop reading and replying to every single one of my posts. It might help you. Hell, I go into some threads and see that you posted stupid sh-- and then signed my name on it! I mean WTF is that? I think you have a problem and the solution is simple, just say no Tom. Being a complete foking a-- hole and all, I doubt you can do it. But if you really think its me trying your patience, maybe you should look into the obvious fact that you are suffering from some form or other of neurosis. And yes, I know, Sunfire Missles are fast
  19. People don't fly Confederate flags in the north?
  20. I'd be in favor of a 10% tax on food purchased at a drive thru. It would be a pay off for all the gas wasted in that way and all the extra pollution generated. Call it a tax on laziness
  21. You are still a complete idiot, I see
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