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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. No, not just because he's from the North--which is a reason I like him--but because he doesn't go to church anymore. Man, that's just too cool! http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_plank/a...ma-and-god.aspx
  2. Use a flamethrower on it!
  3. I gotta admit, I love the way them two play, just wish they were not such friggin babies
  4. Except that Gates was appointed to replace Rumsfeld because the Bush Foreign Policy wasn't working. He was widly seen as a change element. And I'm pretty certain we are leaving Iraq. The Iraqis want us out, we want out and we are getting out no matter how much American Conservatives want us to stay for a 100 years
  5. I see the Conservative elements in the government are, J.E. Hoover like, trying to arrest their political opponets. Shameful, just shamefull. Reminds me of Nazi Germany
  6. Right wing radio reported that??? I'm shocked!
  7. I don't like that show
  8. President Bush's wife killed a guy in a driving accident, Bush himself has DWI's and when the Kennedy family ws bootlegging the Bush family was investing in Nazi Germany
  9. Yes! Great game. That punk Crosby was acting like a girl having a hissy fit after the game. Punching Hecht in the face after the game was over. I know they are a great team and all, but what a bunch of no class babies. Nice to see Paille get a goal, or anyone not named Roy, Vanek or Kotalik for that matter
  10. But Palin said he was a socialist. She wouldn't have lied, would she have?
  11. That could be entirely true and might explain what happened. Or, maybe this is a good company that's simply caught in the tough economic times and needs help but the bank just can't give what it doesn't have. Would this loan have been made if these were normal times?
  12. No, but it would call into question something about the bailout of the financial institutions, because I thought it was suppose to stop things like this from happening. If after lending the banks all this money they still can't extend credit, that would be some pretty bad news
  13. Sorry if this has been addressed already, but the question I would need answered is this, is this companie a victim of the credit crunch or just a business that is no good and needs to die?
  14. Ya, the message was a big screw up. They decoded it wrong. The part, "the world wonders" was not suppose to be part of the message, but just the nonesense part sent to confuse the Japs. Halsey hadn't been sleeping very much at the time either and was in a somewhat hysterical state of mind. Evans explained that at the Turkey Shoot Sprunce had not gone after the Jap fleet for the same reason Halsey should have stayed at San Barnidino straight, thinking another fleet might be waiting, but there wasn't. Sprunce took heat for this. Was made a joke of actually, the worst thing possible. Halsey didn't want the same thing to happen to him. Though, should have known better, but there were communications problems also. Was TF 34 with the battleships left left behind as many thought? Oops, no.
  15. Ah, those unhealthy banks will pick the healthy businesses! I get it!
  16. I read this book last summer and just loved it. http://www.largeprintreviews.com/seathunder.html I thought he did a wonderful job telling the story of this incredible battle. Halsey crying on the bridge of the New Jersey when he found out he had made a mistake was wierd. The Darter and the Dace adventure. The men that went into the water with sharks all around them.
  17. Since 1980? Paul McCartney has been down right awful in the last couple of decades. Not all that much from the other blokes either
  18. I drive a Honda motorcycle! Well, not this time of year. And I sure as hell wouldn't crash it into an American ship on purpose!
  19. They "crossed the T" there. That whole battle was pretty fascinating. My uncle was on the New Jersey chasing off after the Jap carriers at the time leaving the other straight unprotected.
  20. I better get to a game while I still can!
  21. It was 28 years ago today.......
  22. That would be the right thing to do, but the Republicans would seize upon that and scream like children we should have no taxes ever, the future be damned. And then, as soon as we start climbing out of recession the price will shoot back up stalling economic gains.
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