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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. So if I get your point, its that we should go to Mars for inspirational purposes?
  2. And maybe for good reason
  3. Sounds peachy! Hope they work out the hows and the ways.
  4. I went to Bennett high school
  5. I believe I had all of one book assigned to me in all of my years in public school. Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. I think that's it.
  6. I should have been through every interesting author in the world by the end of high school?
  7. A lot of people very much trust the military. They see a uniform and feel that an honorable person is trying to explain the truth to them.
  8. I just finished Slaughterhouse-Five and am now reading Mother Night. Never knew what I was missing
  9. Chris Columbus didn't use a shovel to make his discovery....Pluto wasn't discovered with a shovel
  10. No, and he didn't play for the New York Rangers either Go Pens!
  11. Anything by this guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Vonnegut Ive just discovered him
  12. I like saying that John Lennon won the Cold War but these guys make a good argument for another cultural force that helped. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...8042503103.html Let us now pause in somber tribute to the 30th anniversary of a momentous -- and shockingly unremembered -- turning point in the long twilight struggle between communism and capitalism. An event every bit as important as the Nixon-Khrushchev Kitchen Debate, Ronald Reagan's "Tear Down this Wall" speech and Yakov Smirnoff's defection to the West. We write, of course, about the debut of "Dallas," the 13-year soap opera that shook the world.
  13. If Reverend Wright keeps getting his stupid mug on tv Obama is sunk. At the NAACP last night he made a serious point that he had a book coming later this year and the crowd broke out laughing. He looked surprised, but I guess its pretty obvious he wants to cash in on his 5 minutes of fame while he can.
  14. When I first read that I thought he was talking about executive compensation. Whatever, its still a good piece.
  15. Surprise, surprise, you can't get past the picture
  16. Wow dude, I was just asking. Seems funny to me that Democrat would vote for Goldwater of all people. How are you? I hope everything is well. You are so smart and funny.
  17. If you don't vote Democrat from 1960 to 1994, I'd have a hard time calling you a Democrat
  18. Since Bush has sucked so bad as President its made it easy for the Democrats to do their job. Lowest approval rating in the history of Gallup polling I see. It's funny that John McCain hasn't really been able to pull into the lead in polls even with the Democrats attacking each other, just wait till Obama or Hillary start pointing out that McCain is running for Bush's third term every chance they get. If McCain isn't ahead in the polls now you have to wonder if he will ever be.
  19. i think mcgee will still be the return guy, he's too valuable to take off of that
  20. He is above average, but that's about it. He isn't a dominating player unless he's playing against a backup or someting. The defense as a whole looks good though. Let's hope they can stay healthy this year. Good defense plus solid running game and a decent passing offence might just get them into the playoffs
  21. He's a lifelong Democrat that's voted Republican for the last 30 years? Huh?
  22. Fine, then develop them without wasting all the money of going to Mars, if that's even possible
  23. Its ok, we can always just print more money http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/27/business...&ei=5087%0A It looks to me as if the inmates are running the asylum. One truth, that deregulation is sometimes a good thing, has been followed down so long and winding a road that it has led to an immense lie: that deregulation carried to an extreme will not lead to calamity. To think that people of this mind-set are in charge of the finances of the nation that is the cornerstone of world freedom is terrifying. Mr. Einhorn may well have done us a service of great value.
  24. http://insider.espn.go.com/nfldraft/draft/...er%3fid%3d12307
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