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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Forget Pat Tillman, what about the State Department diplomats that are being forced to go live in that rat hole Fort Green Zone, or the Stop Loss G.I.s whose enlistments have ended. And what about the moron that will have to go in this guys place? This is wrong. A guy is good at playing a game so he can skip out of his committment?
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_Day
  3. You defend yourself by saying you are just like me??? Oh gees.....
  4. I disagree. The Nazis were "socialist" when they were running for office in the 1920's and early 1930's. Ernest Rhom's Brown Shirts were indeed deeply socialist and were pushing hard for a "second revolution" after Hitler had taken a marginal degree of power after the Reichstag fire. The main obsticle in Hitler's path to power was the old army though, and they hated the brown shirts, socialism and Rohm. So inorder to solidify his power he held the "Night of the Long Knives" which eliminated the Brown Shirt leadership and the army at once swore aligence to him following that, making Hitler a full dictator. The government control of the German economy following that ws indeed great, but it was not out of any "socialist" principles that Hitler did that, it was for his military adventures in the east. Nazis was about militarism, not socialism. The Nazis use of militarism, extreme natioanlism and the reliance on a foreign "evil doer" to keep the population docile are all familure tools used today by both parties, but one much more than the other.
  5. When I saw your name on the reply, I closed my eyes and tried to guess how many words you would type before the word "liberal" was mentioned. I thought it would be the second word, but you made it to number seven. Good job!
  6. This thread went off track in my opinion. I wasn't arguing we should do it inspiration, I thought Finkle was. Maybe I misinterpreted him or something. I'm done with this thread
  7. LOL, ya, she was on Fox, dude, what do you expect? You actually bought it? That's funny!
  8. WASHINGTON - The White House said Wednesday that President Bush has paid a price for the "Mission Accomplished" banner that was flown in triumph five years ago but later became a symbol of U.S. misjudgments and mistakes in the long and costly war in Iraq. "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended," Bush said at the time. "The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on Sept. 11, 2001, and still goes on." The "Mission Accomplished" banner was prominently displayed above him — a move the White House came to regret as the display was mocked and became a source of controversy. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080501/ap_on_...accomplished_10 What I don't get is that many of them--like Cheney--knew what was coming. Ever see the u-tube video of Cheney from 1994 explain very propheticlly exactly what would happen if we invaded? Many of them knew and did it anyway. How do you explain that?
  9. Approval ratings mean little in reagrds to Congress as a whole. Its a bi-partisan institution that has the presidency leaning on it heavily. Voters in individual races will decide on the candidate they are given, not on congress as a whole. The winds are blowing favorably for Democrats right now. Democrats running for Congress can still run against 8 years of failed policies. How come you didn't mention Iraq again? Remember how you attempted to bash me because vicory was just around the corner there? Now our troops are shooting up Sadr city, that's sure to win a lot of hearts and minds.
  10. The Oompa Loompas say socialism for the rich is good. A social safety net for those things that are "too big to fall." *MG is out*
  11. Are you acting as spokeswomen for Tom? If you are I would ask what oil profits being evil have to do with me?
  12. Why are you addressing this to me?
  13. LOL, great come back.......not
  14. He'll miss the rest of the season....er...one more game After all that money they spent last off season
  15. Wow, tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber strike again! I shouldn't have to explain this its so simple, but dealing with a fuggin idiot like you I guess I do. I said I hoped it worked out, ok? Hoped. Then I said Global Warming might be a problem. Hoped, might...nothing definitive about my statements.
  16. You are an idiot.
  17. Me???? JP Morgan and me! Wall Street is on Socialism life support. That's the coolest thing about the Wall Street melt down, the overnment had to ride in to save the day. Free markets...... Here's my choice of most worthless book ever: http://product.half.ebay.com/_W0QQtgZinfoQQprZ52751771
  18. I have to admit I'm never looked at it from that angle before. All I'll say at this point is that I would much rather spend our resources on things that are beneficial to mankind than on all that money we pour down the military hole right now. As I said before, I'm all for research and development, but we disagree on where the funding should go. You hear people say, "That guy is smart enough to come up with a cure for cancer." That's inspirational. I'm kind of for spending on making the planet better because there are so many problems down here. That doesn't mean I'd axe NASA, far from it, but I'd probably give it less priority than you and others do.
  19. That was just excellent. I guess we instutionalize bailouts and stop all this clap trap about how useless government is and the stigma of government handouts go down the toilet.
  20. You mean the corporate media? No!
  21. A good book related to local history: http://www.amazon.com/Murdering-McKinley-T...8321&sr=8-1
  22. Democrats getting f***ed over by religion again. What's new?
  23. There is no necessity for going to Mars, and again, I hate the comparison of the old sailing ships and space travel. I just don't think it works, the difference are far greater than are the similarities, IMO
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