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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. You mean the Kennedy Administration that proposed Medicare? Massive housing assistance to the poor, training for the unemployed and more, all inside a pretty Conservative era? Ya, Kennedy was a Progressive. He was pro-motherment
  2. Have good weekend
  3. I think he meant "lawnmower."
  4. I think Obama will be a lot more of a competent President than Bush, if that's who you were refering to.
  5. What do you libertarians want?
  6. It doesn't get any worse than Bad Company. They f***ing suck
  7. Another great story..... http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/336897.html?imw=Y
  8. What type of health care system would Jesus favor?
  9. But would Jesus have worn an American Flap lapel on his toga? I don't think so. Jesus therefore hates America and is in fact, a liberal.
  10. And why isn't Todd Collins our starter?
  11. Probably because you are too stupid to understand what's going on
  12. LOL, funny. I'm sure you did that on purpose.
  13. Refuted? Ummm...no. Differences of opinion do not necessarily mean someone is right or wrong. Because Wacka sights a novel about a different war doesn't make me wrong.
  14. At least his tax cuts paid for them....oh wait.
  15. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080429/ts_nm/medicare_dc_2 $21 billion in five years? We jerk that off in Iraq in two months! What is to be done?
  16. Group? I consider them a phenomenom of the modern ear, the internet street corner gang.
  17. Unless they played football, then they didn't hve to fly anymore
  18. He was too dangerous to keep around, they took his gun and gave him a guitar
  19. I just think everyone should have to pay according to their means to support the national community. We are all one big happy family afterall! So we should joyfully pay our share and shoot anyone in the back of the head who tries to resist
  20. Good for you! I still drink but gave up drinking after hockey games. If I have beer after playing the next day I m very dehydrated and can't drink enough water to feel good again. I also started having a Gatorade after because the simple sugars go right to the muscles and I also have some whey protein with a bit of creatin. I feel much better the day after a game now.
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