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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Ummmm......why don't we put that on a billboard instead
  2. Funniest bumper sticker I've seen in awhile, all it said was: Because you don't have a penis
  3. I think you are right about Obama's problems, but I think you are overlooking McCains. Is he really seen as a moderate? Perhaps by the far right like Wacka and such, but he has tried very hard to appease and hold onto those people and it will be hard for him to appear "moderate" as the election approaches. And then there is IRAQ
  4. Because they are Democrats and they won't have to choose between two Democrats, they will choose between a real good Democrat and a George Bush Republican. At least that is what the argument should be set forth as by the Democrats. McCain may take those voters, I admit, but its not a given
  5. So are you predicting McCain wins? And, this isn't '04, it's '08, things are very different
  6. If Obama can paint McCain as George Bush's clone then he has a good chance of winning. McCain seems to be doing his best to help out with that
  7. With Obama and Clinton beating each other up I'm not surprised, but that said, I think McCain is view as a moderate by many.
  8. Ah, I love the smell of GOP panic in the morning: WASHINGTON — Newt Gingrich, the man who engineered the Republican takeover of the House in 1994, warned his fellow Republicans on Tuesday that they faced disastrous losses in November without a quick change in political course. In what was titled “My Plea to Republicans,” published on the Web site of the periodical Human Events, Mr. Gingrich, a former speaker, urged House Republicans to convene an emergency meeting in the wake of Saturday’s loss of a longtime Republican House seat in Louisiana. He called on them to force the leadership into devising a new approach to the coming elections. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/07/us/polit...amp;oref=slogin
  9. Yes. No doubt it is going to hurt. The one thing he has really going for him is John McCain. McCain really is running as Bush's heir and I guess he has to to hold inline the remaining trashy Bush supporters. Older voters--who vote more--will go for McCain, it seems. If McCain can change his message he might do a lot better and Obama is sunk, but if McCain doesn't change it will be close, IMO.
  10. This topic is way over your head. Stick to trying to figuring out a way to beating a two year old at tic tac toe. Someday you might do it!
  11. What? They're not afraid of the big bad alligator coming to get them out there on Lake Michigan? lol
  12. Taxes are not killing us. The gadflies that like to make us think we are being drowned in taxation are just complainers looking to bytch and moan about something. An "alligator" my ass!
  13. Speaking of Aircraft Carriers, today is the anniversary of the Battle of Coral Sea http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Coral_Sea First time surface fleets battle at sea fought and did not come into shooting range of each other. Aircraft did all the attacking.
  14. The "do-nothing" Mr. Clinton you speak of got through Congress hundreds of trade agreements, actually. And he had to stand up to a large block of voters in his own party to do it. You asked for examples, I have given them to you. Thank you
  15. 1) Sorry, Salon doesn't waste time with idiots like you. So I guess the tax increase wasn't so bad, huh? 2) Oh brother, that's difficult! NAFTA, GATT and other free trade deals. Yawn.... You do realize that the l;iberalization of trade has been a boon to the world economy, ya? Mr. Constitutoionalist, you are too easy. Have a good night
  16. I'm under the impression that McCain is just following Bush's Iraq policy, if I'm wrong please let me in on it. So you like McCain? Why's that?
  17. Fu-- you you stupid idiot. I stopped picking on your idiotic belief in "Constitutionalism" becuase it was pointless. Your point about Clinton not being able to screw things up was equally stupid. So I guess his "Biggest Tax Increase In American History" was ok with you now? Oh wait....he absolutley couldn't screw things up....it was all out of his hands! He was only the President, afterall. You are a moron
  18. http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/elec...ss_N.htm?csp=34 And from Salon.com: Bad news for the Republicans, then: In Louisiana, where they tried to bring down Don Cazayoux by using the looming specter of Obama against him, they failed. In one ad run against Cazayoux, Republicans said, "A vote for Don Cazayoux is a vote for Barack Obama and [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi." Another also brought up Obama and Pelosi, who had also been discussed in Boehner's strategy presentation. "Is Obama right for Louisiana? Is Pelosi? You decide," that ad said. But on Saturday, Cazayoux won his race, taking over a seat held by Republicans for years. As the Wall Street Journal notes in its story on Cazyoux's election, "The victory could aid Sen. Obama in making his case to uncommitted, elected superdelegates wary of how the top of the ticket could affect their own races in November."
  19. Yo-yo-yo!!!! Hannity is in the HOUSE! Change=getting us out of Iraq. Agree with it or not, but its a change of course from 100 years McCain
  20. He couldn't mess things up??? Oh come on.
  21. Hopefully she is out of the way tomorrow....hopefully.... (CBS) Democrat Barack Obama appears to have rebounded from some of the damage caused by the controversy surrounding his former pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright, according to the latest CBS News/New York Times poll. On one key measure, Obama has seen a big reversal since his denunciation of Wright’s remarks on Tuesday. He now leads presumptive Republican nominee John McCain in the hypothetical fall contest by eleven points, 51 percent to 40 percent. That compares to a tied match-up in a CBS News/New York Times poll that was released last Wednesday. Positive assessments http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/...n4069259.shtml
  22. Obama may have Wright's cross to bear, but McCain has Bush's.
  23. Hmmmm....which means very little to Bush's prospects of being regarded such, I'm afraid. Why was Truman so unpopular? He lost the Souther whites with his support of civil rights and integrating the military. Strom Thurman ran for President against him. The War in Korea hurt him as well, but that later turned out ok, something Iraq will not do."Losing" China was a huge issue at the time, later easily forgotten because it wasn't his fault. And the Dems had just been in power too long. That didn't help. Also Truman left behind a long list of major accomplishments that will be remember for a long time. The Truman Doctrine, MARSHALL PLAN, NATO and the Berlin Air Lift. All huge successes. I suppose being a punching bag for that scum bag McCarthy and his kind shed a sypathetic light on his presidency as well.
  24. Yes, I probably would be surprised. Do tell
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