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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. It's no big deal. I overreacted, I guess. I think you will be the only one attacking people's mothers, wives and girlfriends anyway so carry on
  2. Her and Monica Lewinski could have a contest to see who is best!
  3. LOL, no, I'm not mad at all Jarhead, but do we really want this board to degenerate to that level?
  4. Can we dig up the Erie Canal again??? I know the truckers are really hurting, I didn't know that ships and trains were trying to pick up the slack, interesting
  5. I'm just pointing out what a low class thing it is to start talking about other poster's wives and mothers. Feel free to continue doing it, I'm just saying its the mark of a real scum bag, that's all.
  6. I'm surprised he's complaining about someone else complaining....well, maybe I shouldn't be
  7. My dad was in France when the Germans surrendered and would have been shipped to Japan had the war not ended. My uncle Adolph--lol, yes, that was confusing as a kid--was on the battleship New Jersey during the war. He died just five years ago. Neither of them talked about the war at all. My mother's family was from a small hillbilly town in Kentucky that had but one rail line in and out of town, no roads. So everyone knew everyone else. The train stopped one day in late 1945 or early '46 and this really skinny man got off and started walking thru town and no one recognized him. Then someone did. It was uncle Bob who had been captured at Bataan and had lived off of potato peels in a Japanese prison camp. My uncle Chester had been on the Red ball express and when he came home he was the only one in the family who knew how to drive, so he was the delivery man for the furniture store they opened in Hazard, Kentucky. Saving Private Ryan was indeed a great war movie.
  8. Oh, I was expecting more talking points straiht from the American Enterprise Institute web site. Instead we get you attempting to be funny.
  9. It's too late, I ruined this thread by mentioning Kerry's name. Bad Molson, bad!
  10. Oops, I missed that bull sh--. Forgive me, but most anything GG posts is seriously forgetable. Ready to surprise me yet?
  11. Is there a photo shop man in the house???
  12. I have a better idea! Let's take down Thurman's pic at the top of that page and put McCain's in! A real hero deserves that! Anyone against my idea wll be considered a traitor in my eyes!
  13. Well, you have class and integrity, unlike the Conservatives that trashed both McCain and Kerry
  14. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE explain this one! And tell me why this sounds so familure to "tax cuts will pay for themselves"
  15. He reminds me a lot of his friend John Kerry
  16. It's blocked, I'll read it at home tonight if I get a chance
  17. Clinton had her advantages too, name recognition, "experience" etc, so whatever.
  18. Not that it matters, the country would never be stupid enough to accept it. The rich should pay more, doing the flat tax would either mean higher taxes for the middle class or more debt for the country. Before you idiots start in on me that we would cut spending to pay for, forget about it. I live in the real world and understand we are not going to have massive cuts in government spending, just isn't going to happen. As a matter of fact, the government is going to take on an even bigger role in all probablity, as truckers migt need subsides to stay trucking, cold weather areas will have to provide subsides for people to heat their homes, more food stamps with the price of food shooting up and who knows what else?
  19. Why do you like a flat tax?
  20. I agree, but I don't think its a big deal. People have always voted for politicians that look like them. As an example, there is not a single elected black Republican at the federal level right now.
  21. The Republican party had a lot of liberals in it back then, just like the Democrats had a lot of segregationists. The parties have realigned since then
  22. Bingo, great vehicles, IMO. Have people been noticing the number of gas guzzlers for sale on the side of roads lately? And it also seems like more people are walking.
  23. How about one of those on the 33? Over there by Burgard
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