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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. LOL!! Now its gotten so bad they feel they have to answer the National Enquierer! Thank you John Edwards! You were a good soldier!
  2. Nope, there are actually lots of people out there that hate Republicans. Now, tell me, what did you say earlier about Truman, LBJ and Bush and and the experience thing, I can't find it? Something about them not being experienced enough
  3. Like accusing me of being someone else? That type of uninformed opinion?
  4. If they let her debate Biden they either want to make her suffer or are just living in a completely different world from 90% of America.
  5. Looks like the Conservatives are starting to speak: Dr. Laura http://www.drlaurablog.com/2008/09/02/sara...and-motherhood/
  6. I don't see how they could have missed this story. http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/...troopergate.php He has a new truck??? Yes! Fire him for the good of Alaska!
  7. El-Bounceo? http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmem...a_running_s.php
  8. Palin has given them way too much material to use already. It's like the End Times has arrived for the Republican Party
  9. McCain can give Obama another historic first! And!! Why can't I stop smiling???
  10. You are damn right its a threat you stupid POS. You attack me and you can expect the same back. Are you a little girl or something? Let's see. You didn't like this guy's post for whatever reason, even though others had been discussing it. So you told him so, then you tossed in an attack about me out of no where. And now you are crying that your p*ssy is soar because I fight back? Now you want to organize some crusade against me because you picked a fight with me and now feel threatened? What a f**ken idiot you are. Go to hell you loser. How's that for "volume abuse?"
  11. Gravel: I totally agree about the Military Industrial Complex and all, but timing man, timing. First just get us out of Iraq, then we can worry about reducing the number of nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers and B-52s
  12. It's green...reduces the number of people dependant on things that produce greenhouse gases. It will eventually reduce our dependance on foreign oil It help to ease soscial tensions by reducing the number of people bickering It eases unemployment by reducing how many people are looking for work. It would help with smog. makeing there more warm sunny days. It makes kittens purr
  13. It works so well. If it ain't broke, don't fix it
  14. So they have to heat the ground up hundreds of degrees for several years while at the same time freezing another part of the ground? I think by the time they figure that out they might be doing it with an alternative energy source that will make oil shale obsolete anyway. But who knows?
  15. That's why I hate all these people who are out there trying to "expand" the sport. That outdoor game was a fiasco in my opinion
  16. Boy, the times they are a chagin......This is a solid Conservative district and Dems might pick it off http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20080512/ts_csm/agopwoes_1
  17. I just read that rather tiny story from MSNBC and it doesn't say much. It could just as easily been that the guy was radicalized by being put in GITMO for all we know Be interesting to know why and where he was arrested etc.
  18. So am I to understand you are a complete independent now, not supporting either party?
  19. What nonesense, especially in light of farm prices being so high. Pretty soon farmers will be making as much cash of the feds as the military industrial complex. Still, its not all bad: However, lawmakers in both parties pointed to improvements in the nutrition, conservation and research programs that account for the bulk of the bill's costs. Eligibility for the food stamp program will be eased by increasing the income deduction allowed to qualify, and the minimum benefit will be raised. The conferees added $1.5 billion over 10 years for conservation activities on working farms. The program is a top priority of Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, who favors linking subsidies to a farm's environmental efforts, along lines being tried in Europe. Almost $400 million would be available to help farmers reduce runoff of pollutants into Chesapeake Bay. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...50803320_2.html
  20. This will be my final public statement on the topic. If Bush's mother says we shouldn't care about soldiers being killed, then yes, its fair game, but to jump out and call another posters mother a whore or something is ignorant, imo. McCain's marriage, though I could care less about it, could be an election issue and will be discussed, but that's different. *I'm out*
  21. Its not valid because the Japanese didn't need to entice people to join their army, they simply drafted them. The Islamic militants must convince idiots that we are evil to get soldiers, increase the flow of donations and to contribute in other ways. The Japanese were a nation state and al-Quida isn't, that is a big difference.
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