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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Wow! Pretty interesting. Let's give Obama and Biden credit then for turing the debate back to the issues and McCain. Interesting, Hillary's cry and Palin's problems just help them. Sexual politics are very sexist!
  2. Wonder how the faithful will react to his immigration plan? Last year it was the "single biggest threat facing this republic, now nothing." I think that may have played a role in his selection of Palin, as she had nothing at all to do with that issues being from way up north. She said nothing about this great threat last night. Wouldn't that have been a gas if she endorsed his plan right when the crowd was at a fever pitch? Can the Democrats pay Lou Dobbs to start up his crap again on this issue?
  3. But was Bush called uppity?* *Uppity is a damn funny word! [up-Ah-Tea]
  4. Can't you just tell us who is going to win?
  5. There might be fewer red necks saying sh-- like this http://thehill.com/leading-the-news/westmo...2008-09-04.html
  6. The only thing I'm sure of on this is that NIMBY would be a major problem. And just like with global warming, people have brought up serious issues. Accident, terrorist attack or something else. And some people argue that nuclear power is just as bad in producing green house gases because of the mining of uranium and other things in the process. I have no idea if that's true but just like Global Warning deniers, I'm in no position to say they are wrong. To me, wind and sun seems like the best alternative. NIMBY would be a problem there, but not as much, because people are not scared of pollution or the thing blowing sky high
  7. These guys are angry and they have guns: http://www.nraila.org/ActionCenter/GrassRo...vism.aspx?ID=68
  8. Pissin on my parade! http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmem...sappears_in.php A new CBS poll finds that John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin could be causing some big problems for Barack Obama, with Obama losing his whole lead that he enjoyed just a few days ago. The numbers: Obama 42%, McCain 42%. A CBS poll from four days ago had Obama up 48%-40%. So while McCain has only gained two points, Obama has lost six points. In last week's poll Obama was ahead among women by 14 points, while he's now ahead by only five points.
  9. Maybe. But McCain is laying it out on a national level, but as they say, all politics is local and these things would have to go somewhere. Its the same with the refineries that everyone is complaining haven't been built. I think its a no go. Especially as many as he wants. Its my understanding that major new natural gas deposits have become accessable very recently and that will drain investment away from other eletricity sources for at least a decade or maybe more, so that would further undermine the nuclear angle...and hurt wind and solar investment as well
  10. Wow, just wow. The disease of militarism on full display.
  11. Police union now going after her http://deepbackground.msnbc.msn.com/archiv...04/1347737.aspx
  12. I guess we don't have to worry about Biden making Palin cry in the debates
  13. I wonder how local residents are going to react when McCain tries to stick nuclear power plants in their back yards? Boy, that would be depressing seeing them building one down the road!
  14. She reminds me of Ollie North. Fired up the faithful but blew it before the larger population Ever see this? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117320/ Very good political documentary. North's boys were so sure the Marine Col. would win Virginia they let a documentray crew film the inside life of the campaign.
  15. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington...protesters.html Another fine victory in the War on International Terrorism!
  16. Burger joint???? Not in this nice weather! I figured I've collected enough bottles this summer to at least afford a used Obama suit.
  17. Its about time the evil media appologized! http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0908/13143.html
  18. And Steinem's dresses are so low class! Nothing compared the simple dresses the anti-elitest Cindy McCain wears! Take that east coast elites! http://www.vanityfair.com/online/politics/...000-outfit.html
  19. That's the problem, he has to speak! But, he has given a few good ones himself
  20. Some funny points were her talking about Obama speaking in front of adoring fans, just like she was doing. The Bridge to No Where which she supported Then she talked about cutting taxes because all that tax revenue she got in Alaska from Big oil, lol But, she kicked ass
  21. She is doing great But she has to explain her major problems. Experience is not the issue at all. Its all the crap she has done, the lies and why McCain didn't vet her. She can run against the media all she wants, that will win the GOP base, wow!
  22. Ya, me too. I can't get enough hockey news. Schoop is an a-hole. I like Bull Dog. Almost have to ask, do we need a year round 24/7 sports station in Buffalo?
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