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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Retard? That's not nice! Why didn't Bush and the GOP Congress do these things? And a three-fifths majority to pass a tax increase??? That's insane! Its a destroy the federal government act.
  2. And its a good thing! The Government is smaller now, families are happier and abortion is a thing of the past! Oh wait...
  3. Does anyone acutally believe that the Supreme Court, packed now with Conservative judges, will ever overturn abortion? Six of the nine judges have been appointed by Republicans and.........and what? Nothing. McCain's appointments will change this how?
  4. I think there are a lot of things bugging people about her and as long as she stays away from the media those questions will be around. She is one strange cat I think Obama deserves a lot of credit for recognizing that he needed to back off and not attack her. Just make this a "McSame" vs. "Community Organizer" fight. In the long run that's what will decide this. I guess running against Hillary prepared him for this.
  5. Can someone expalin to me why this is: If the government was going to back them up would this be a safe investment? Is it because they had bought the stock high and the government will take over the stock at its low value now?
  6. Well, that is good news
  7. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080905/ap_on_...e/us_libya_rice No negotiating with terrorists now! I wonder if she will be flying back over Lockerbei?
  8. And the Difference between a Mooseburger Politician and a Horses Ass? Lip stick
  9. Oh good lord! http://news.yahoo.com/s/rasmussen/20080905...inpower20080905
  10. They are not liberals, they are anarchists--anti-government people. Not liberals but lib...oh, never mind http://media.www.dailygamecock.com/media/s...t-3412000.shtml
  11. Do you think if this thread existed back in 1860 Lincoln might have lost to Douglas?
  12. I think it would be a requirement inorder for her to get certain people's votes. Gees, if she can't handle Tom Brokaw how can she handle being president? So fine, if she doesn't feel she can handle it, great. Just expect it to be used against her. I bet she runs off to Rush Limbo first and gets a real grilling there!
  13. Let's give him credit, he got out while the gettin was good. He must have been pretty satisfied with himself for not running again in 1928!
  14. Like a skinny, weak kid trying to make the football team each year? Persistence and determination might get him killed! I like the rest of the quote, though. Although Mnny Ramirez might stand as a testiment to getting by on talent alone
  15. I wonder how long she can keep up avoiding the media
  16. When did I get banned? I was unaware of that. WTF is wrong with me---Could have a better diet I suppose. Too many chicken wings and beer Job--Yes, I collect bottles when the weather is nice, fast food when its cold Joys--Play hockey, work out a lot, I'm playing softball tomorrow! Banging the GF, reading too much, making idiots on the internet lose their temper over nothing
  17. http://abcnews.go.com/PollingUnit/Story?id...5793&page=1 Good and bad for her
  18. What if they know smething about a plot and won't talk? Should they be tortured? These anti-government libertarian extermists can be very dangerous, think Ok City
  19. HA HA!! A real B word slap!
  20. About as many as McCain did in the Hanoi Hilton, I guess
  21. No, they are doing great!
  22. Yes, probably. I think if a person buys into it and believes. Its sort of like the power of positive thinking. It might help a person cope and deal with a problem so they can relax and allow the body to heal. I don't think God actully hears the prayer and gives extra help to heal a person, though. I also do not think that the stunt they pulled in Geogia last year where they prayed for rain works
  23. Those are great points, and they jive with the high profile immigration busts that have taken place around the nation to make it look like something is being done, but no way is the border secure. And I can't fully believe the immigrants themselves are not a huge part of the issue. I know people that complain about having spanish language on ATM machines. And McCain isn't building the fence or any of that. No, this "Great Threat" has suddenly been dropped. Al-Quida coming over the border? Forget it. Night
  24. Just wanted a prediction I guess. Good analysis though. Will youth vote be all its made up to be? I bet the Hispanic vote going even more Dem will be a big factor in a close election
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