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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. That wasn't the point of my post. I wanted to slip in the fact that she had done something that I would guess 95% of people would feel is absolutly wrong, banning books. I was just using her neighbors post to highlight that and obviously didn't set up the post very well. Still, banning books and then firing a person from their job because they wouldn't get rid of books a person didn't agree with I think tells us a lot about Sarah Palin. She is just bad news. If Obama had done this I would lose a tremendous amount of respect for him.
  2. Right the the driveway with the neighbors kids watching!
  3. Addiction is a sign you have been possessed by a demon or satan!
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080910/od_nm/..._6IND00cIQSH9EA SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) - San Antonio unveiled a deal on Tuesday that will make it the first U.S. city to harvest methane gas from human waste on a commercial scale and turn it into clean-burning fuel. ADVERTISEMENT San Antonio residents produce about 140,000 tons a year of a substance gently referred to as "biosolids," which can be reprocessed into natural gas, said Steve Clouse, chief operating officer of the city's water system. "You may call it something else," Clouse said, but for area utilities, the main byproduct of human waste - methane gas - will soon be converted into natural gas to burn in their power plants. The city approved a deal where Massachusetts-based Ameresco Inc will convert the city's biosolids into natural gas, which could generate about 1.5 million cubic feet per day, he said. Methane gas, which is a byproduct of human and organic waste, is a principal component of the natural gas used to fuel furnaces, power plants, and other combustion-based generators.
  5. I think it's something besides the mortgage debt they are worried about. I am guessing that these "companies" also service federal debt??? Perhaps act like a brokerage for it or something. Maybe someone could expain that
  6. Glad you ddn't complain about her being a liar
  7. Sounds like you guys are tired of learning was a scum bucket and liar she is
  8. http://www.zimbio.com/Anne+Kilkenny/articl...ny+Alaska+Email Her neighbor doesn't even like her
  9. Yup. No way should we go looking for trouble by including these countries in NATO
  10. And her pissing on congress to stop them from sending her state money she absolutely did not want!
  11. Oh come on, they have been helping. They f'n sent troops and did all sorts of intelliigence work and that's probably the reason they did get attacked
  12. The movie with Bill Murry joioning the army. Great movie!
  13. OMG! I was so hoping to learn something about Obama from his undregraduate grades!
  14. I'll admit, I was surprised when Gibson said it was pre-emptive war. I thought it was about Bush's spreading of democracy by force
  15. Speaking of that...what was that pin she had on? Was it the US flag or something else, I couldn't tell
  16. and, and...I think 19 months ago Obama's experience on the Foreign Relations committee would have him a leg up on what we saw last night
  17. The childness and hate filled public debates we have are very frustrating. Imagine what it was like for the Enlightenment philosophers who tried to explain that even the peasants could be educated, or the abolitionists that said blacks could be our equal or the feminists pushing for their rights. Seven years isn't too long, especially with all the violence and such.
  18. I thought she did "OK" in the interview. Nothing really damaging from what I have seen of it, but not like her speech which was a home run. She looked canned and reminded me again of a right wing talking head. If they lose the election I'm betting she becomes a right wing radio personality
  19. Well coach, that leads me to the question of who is paying for your test? http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/elec...ape-exams_N.htm Do we see a debate issue for the VP debate?
  20. Hey look, a guy that still eats freedom fries!
  21. They are a little somewhat closed community up there from what I've seen. If she loses because of dirt unearthed by fellow Alaskans I bet there will be a bloodletting of sorts. She has already fired anyone that has given her any trouble at all
  22. You would be a nice media sensation if you were Obama's spokesperson. That would be fun!
  23. Oh, it'd be nice if she would just disappear, but I just don't see that happening and its not because of the Dems
  24. I have been for two weeks. Seriously
  25. Someone has labled this "the Palin Trap." She has to be addressed, but when she is she becomes a distraction Can't really win. But Obama handled the pig thing really well, I thought.
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