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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. How many of you are comfortable with her being President if something--God Forbide!--happens to McCain?
  2. Unnatural? Now economies and government are part of nature? And I have to say some notably laissez-faire economic downturns were pretty damn harsh. Leaving aside whether the 1930's were or were not LF caused or extended, the 1890's were pretty low on government interference and the depression was pretty harsh. It was the "Great Depression" before the 1930's took its place. What downturn have we had since the new deal? Surely all the government interference in the economy must have had some affect one way or the other. Yet I don't remember a depression happening since then. Is this downturn "bad?" And how do we define "bad?"
  3. These stories are not exactly being written to bolster confidence, are they??
  4. If Bush couldn't get this when the stock market was sailing along on cruise control, there is no way in hell it would have even the 40% of support it did back then. Obama would have a field day bashing this Note, I'm just looking at the politics of this
  5. Your the best! Have a beer, its so hot here in the desert!
  6. And look on the bright side! All the cheap stock out there for sale!
  7. His "demand?" Ummmm....ok. Good to see he is actively involved in this mess to try and cushion the landing. Wow, the next president sure will have some cleaning up to do. Foreign policy, the economy, the environment, energy and the always mysterious next boot that always drops.
  8. So how, I get the feeling McCain won't be bringing up privitizing Social Security
  9. Wow, the sh-- has hit the fan! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080915/ap_on_...e/world_markets
  10. Another day, another whopper by McCain: http://www.armytimes.com/news/2008/09/defe...ain_FCS_091208/
  11. How long will all this drag on? Amazing job so far of containing the damage http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/financial_meltdown
  12. Ya, great game! Team looks great!
  13. Nothing like a great pass rush!
  14. Are the Jacksonville cheerleaders awesome or what
  15. I won't feel so bad looking at Fred Taylor now and thinking we gave him up for Rob Johnson
  16. Wow, my head is spinning! What just happened?? I mean wow, that was awesome!
  17. I'm not ready to go that far. Let's see how they do on the road against a very good team and then we can talk.
  18. al-Quida has had their a**es kicked, no doubt about it. They wore out their welcome with the Sunnis a long time ago. What do we do now? Declare victory and leave?
  19. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/09/12/2362484.htm I was watching a BBC show yesterday and they were doing interviews with American soldiers and those guys were pretty down on the operation. They had high dedication to the military and all, but were pretty disgusted with the whole situation. A guy I play hockey with this summer was the same way.
  20. It's slipping away? I see this as a tough patch, but I still think Obama will win. McCain had a pretty rough few days here, telling more lies than he can juggle and they all fell on the floor. Anyways, who will be more upset at President McCain after a few years of his administrion, Conservatives or Liberals? I bet you guys will hate him. I think it will be funny to see him sign a Global Warming bill pased by the Democratic Congress
  21. I understand fully well she didn't ban the books, THAT WAS BECAUSE OTHER PEOPLE STOPPED HER! Then she tried to fire the librarian for not banning them. The people stood up to her, though. http://news.aol.com/political-machine/2008...d-book-banning/ Banning books is evil.
  22. Palin finally admitted the truth on the Bridge. Interestingly the interview aired on a friday, when no one was watching, I'd imagine and her next interview will be with Hannity, lol http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/
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