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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Wow, they suspended trading in Russia! What's Palin's opinion of this economic meltdown? http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/6ff9306c-83f1-11...?nclick_check=1 Earlier, trading had been suspended on both the Micex and RTS stock exchanges as investors ignored assurances by Russian officials and a cycle of distrust set in amid liquidity fears. Margin calls forced domestic traders to liquidate positions and brokers pulled credit lines. At least one Moscow bank failed to meet payments. The rouble-denominated Micex Index closed 17.75 per cent down, the sharpest one-day drop since the August 1998 financial crisis, while the dollar-denominated RTS index closed down 11.47 per cent, its lowest lvel since January 2006. Interbank money market rates climbed to 11 per cent, their highest since a mini-banking crisis in summer 2004. Chris Weafer, chief strategist at Uralsib investment bank: “We’re in completely uncharted territory where the prevailing emotion is of fear and numbnes. No one knows where this could stop”.
  2. No one elects the Supreme Court, wanna ditch them, too?
  3. Something more than simply believing in Jesus
  4. Great, we will stop an investigation into this f'n cun$$ abuse of power that started before she was picked because someone else did something wrong. CXan all criminals use that excuse or just Republicans?
  5. I'm starting to come around to that point of view. This country doesn't deserve good leadership. Then I think about all the really great people I know
  6. Sueing to stop an ethics investigation? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080916/ap_on_...lin_troopergate Ho hum
  7. That is a funny little story. Even McCain got a chuckle out of it I'd also add, that if anyone thinks Palin is fit to be President they are either not very bright or just so partisan they just believe what they are told to
  8. That's true and we can't any of that blame on Bush....oh wait.
  9. But at least we are closer to Jesus!
  10. Wells Fargo is kicking a@@ also! http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=WFC Mayor Fargo would be pleased
  11. I was commenting about the post-election feelings. McCain as president would be interesting if nothing else. A scary thought is that his first term might see him acting like he is now in the election campaign with all the lies, distortions and such. He might need to to keep the cultural conservatives with him.
  12. No, just for a good laugh. I mean like the GOP stating that Palin has foreign policy experience because she is near Russia, lol
  13. I know Conservatives and they do not like McCain. And after the amnesty bill the Conservatives threw more sh-- at him with more venom than any lefty ever threw at Bush, imo. He won his primary victory by splitting the hard right vote to begin with. He's the anti-Obama to most Republicans. That's it. I'd say he might even be liked by Democrats like me more than the he is by the Republican base if he wins. Just my opinion
  14. Well she does have more executive experience than Obama and Biden!
  15. Might be fun watching her being President
  16. I guess the Daily Show would benefit from four more years of Palin
  17. Will McCain, if he wins, be more unpopular than Bush? I mean really, no one really likes the guy. The majority of his support is anti-Obama or pro-Palin in nature. Bush at least has the GOP base to fall back on. Democrats won't like him and the first time McCain tries to act in a bi-partisan nature the GOP base will hate him. If he tries to do something to deal with global warming the curtin will fall. What can he do to make the right happy? Appoint an anti-abortion judge? Perhaps "standing up to" the Democratic Congress will win him some support I guess.
  18. http://biz.yahoo.com/rb/080916/goldmansachs.html NEW YORK (Reuters) - Goldman Sachs Group Inc (NYSE:GS - News) said on Tuesday third-quarter earnings plunged 70 percent as one of the worst market slumps ever weighed on banking and trading results. The largest U.S. investment bank reported net income of $845 million, or $1.81 a share, for the quarter ended August 29, down from $2.85 billion, or $6.13 a share, a year earlier. Net revenue fell by half to $6.04 billion from $12.3 billion. "This was a challenging quarter as we saw a marked decrease in client activity and declining asset valuations," Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman's chief executive, said in a statement. The results come as the year-long credit crunch gains steam. Six months after Bear Stearns collapsed and was acquired by JPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM - News), Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc (NYSE:LEH - News) on Monday filed for bankruptcy protection while Merrill Lynch & Co (NYSE:MER - News) rushed into the arms of Bank of America Corp (NYSE:BAC - News).
  19. She is? She can't even talk to the press. Obama went toe to toe with Bill O and she could barely get by Old Man Gibson. Will she hide from cabinet members too if she is President?
  20. Ok pal, then tell me what down turns you were talking about that were made so much worse by the government interference. You made this silly argument, now back it up: Which cycles are you talking about?
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