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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Fools!! Can't you see that Rove did do this! And of course everyone things the evil liberals were behind it! Brilliant move!
  2. If we had just won that last SB all would have been right. Thurman's fumble early in the 3rd quater killed a part of me
  3. Quale didn't have the rock star attraction Palin does. The right is in love with her
  4. oops! ORLANDO, Fla. -- Republican tactician Karl Rove said Wednesday that Sen. John McCain's vice presidential pick was a political choice and that excitement over Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will subside. http://www.adn.com/sarah-palin/story/529644.html
  5. I bet he doesn't even need a teleprompter!
  6. If she is, McCain has created a monster! LOL
  7. What a bunch of crap. So legions of left wingers are arguing their innocents? And all this writer can come up with is some right wing freek that did a "study" and half a sentence from the great Eric Foner? And Foner's half sentence is no dobt taken out of context. I don't ever remember reading anthing about their guilt being in doubt. There were questions about Ethel being snuffed out, but that's all. What this is is an attempt to make McCarthyism seem like not a problem, like no big deal. Perhaps this writer should track down the names on McCarthy's list of 205 members of the communist party in the state department---oh, that's right, he never made that "list" public.
  8. I bet the RR Union workers made Wilson burn te Constitution! Another reason to hate the commie Unions!
  9. The Great Battle of Antietam was also fought on this day in 1862, and inspite of the poor leadership by McClellan the north "won." Sort of. Hurrah!
  10. I was watching Hannity last night and him and that flunky Santorium--is he still on unemployment?--were spreading this garbage argument around to try and get the right wing monkeys to rattle their cages two things: 1) Obama just went before arch-A@@ hole Bill O on the very same Fox network and answered every question thrown at him, so he is not afraid to answer questions 2) We have had a clown in chief for eight years now that can't speak without a telepromter but you guys are outraged now? Another thing, both McCain and Obama look exhausted, so if using this helps the Great One look even greater, so much the better
  11. Ok, thanks. That makes sense
  12. Ok, so money is draining out of the stock market as margins are called in so it's affected oil prices. But how about on the other side. Did prices go up because more money was available?
  13. But then we can't spread democracy there!
  14. If it happened in late October, maybe
  15. Isn't having "Stupid" in your name just asking for trouble?
  16. The tire on my pick up truck parked in my yard is flat and its her fault
  17. Tax Cuts, de-regulation and the free market oh my!
  18. So let's say, just for the sake of argument, taxes on the wealthy were really jacked up, like pre-Reagan levels. And taxes for the middle classes cut. If the money was used to fund infrastructure, alternative energy projects and other things to benefit the nation wouldn't the economy still grow pretty well?
  19. The 1837 financial collaspe followed after "the Fed" of that day, the Second Bank of the United States, had been killed by Jackson which exasterbated an already bad situation. Buffalo was crushed by that depression and Ben Rathbun, the guy that built most of the city and owned the village of Niagara Falls ended up in jail during it.
  20. I like Samuelson, he's an interesting guy. And newsflash, somethings wrong on wallstreet. The housing sector looks shot and that will bleed into everything else.
  21. Pretty interesting: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...id=opinionsbox1
  22. I think Alexander Hamilton would have supported this move.
  23. B-I-N-G-O and bingo was his name-o
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