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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. I've got that topped! The Liberal/Commie Wall Street Journal Editorial board is fuming mad at the old fool: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1221783188...days_us_opinion
  2. After McCain gives them amnesty hey will be elidgeble
  3. One thing that would have happened would be Democratic a-holes like me would be telling anyone that would listen that Republicans had ruined their life savings and they were going to die cold, bitter and hungry! he he
  4. The magic of big government bailouts! The credit crunch isn't going away anytime soon, though.
  5. Stating the obvious, Hagel is
  6. YA!!! Great! Pommer rocks! This team has a great core in place and should be exciting to watch for years to come!
  7. So Obama is more liberal than LBJ? McGovern?
  8. According to the ding dongs that rate Senators for Republican political consumption, any Senator nominated by Democrats would instantly become the "most liberal Senator in Congress." Kerry was in 2004 as I remember and then suddenly Obama leaped ahead of him.
  9. Conservative for Obama, former publisher of National Review: http://www.dmagazine.com/ME2/dirmod.asp?nm...6A3EF81822D9F8E
  10. Obama is a moderate
  11. I was only interested in the issue for in and what it is, building new things, not for jobs, but simply for improving the country. But with credit tightening, the housing market in the dumps and unemployment rising, Congress and the next president might just turn to it for a jobs project.
  12. Especially when you are spending hundreds of billions of dollars nationalizing the economy
  13. And the lesson learned is: don't build infrastructure? I'm sure all of Japan's problems did not come down to the building of roads, bridges and other thing
  14. Now all the bad bank debt will be taken care of by Motherment: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080918/ap_on_...U05NSIcahGs0NUE How much of this can the government take on?
  15. I wish we could have the election today. I expect this to jump around some more, but McCain looked real bad this last week. Hopefully they get desperate and start doing some more stupid sh--
  16. The president isn't involved in the amendment process so the quote is most likely bull crap* Why can't we swear?
  17. It was part, but not everything. Plus, those were taxes leaving the country Most people havn't read the part of the Declaration of Independence listing the grievences, but they were many:
  18. Do they still make engines with timing chains?? I thought that was done away with in the 1980's
  19. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...id=opinionsbox1 Are we investing enough in America or is this a BS issue?
  20. Obama should be reminding the voters about that
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