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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. I'll give a ball to the O-Line!
  2. The catch by Marshawn off of Edward's scramble on third down deep in our territory on the ninety yard touch down drive.
  3. It's great we have a great qb here now. Everything is looking up with this team
  4. So true! The kid is for real. And the o-line deserves a lot of credit. They opened holes and protected trent real well
  5. Last time Bills were 3-0
  6. Wow! This is such a great game! It's like the 1990's again!
  7. That touchdown run was something else. Just pushed all the raiders back into the endzone
  8. That was one of the best Buffalo Bills drive I've ever seen. Maybe the best
  9. Remember that play if they come back and win
  10. Screw that, I've always wanted to own an insurance company with 300 million of my friends!
  11. KKK signs? Are they accusing Obama of being a Klansmen, or are they the Klan?
  12. Off with them! I hope they end up in Gantanamo! Why don't they mind their own business! http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080919/pl_nm/...litics_obama_dc
  13. Buying failed insurance companies?
  14. $1,000,000,000,000 <---------that's a lot of zeroes
  15. Oh, we are an art critic now, are we?
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Godzill...edorah_1971.jpg
  17. Tax cuts? When we are about to dump $1,000,000,000,000 into our vaunted free market system? Hello, I'm from the government and I'm here to help!
  18. Both of my stock simulator accounts at investopedia.com got clobbered!
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