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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. That's the lovely thing about running $450 billion deficits, we always have something to pay for. How about paying for Iraq now, then?
  2. Like Palin's 40 seconds with the media yesterday? Yes, 40 seconds
  3. Ya, that could never happen, no never. Signed, A niave person
  4. Should we "pay as we go" for the bailout or just toss it on the debt?
  5. Red Sox eliminate Yankees with win against Cleveland
  6. Or Bush will stir up a foreign policy situation that McCain will use to divert attention away from the free market f-up 6 weeks is an eternity
  7. Biden's "Gaffe" doesn't seem to be doing too much: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...ml?hpid=topnews Black President?
  8. More interesting analysis: http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_plank/a...n-stumbles.aspx
  9. From the article: Note how easy it was for Obama to erase a small McCain lead (note, too, that it had taken McCain months of attack ads and a successful GOP convention to build up even a small lead)
  10. Polls, polls, polls! Florida might even go Democrat, as might Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, Colorado and New Mexico http://www.quinnipiac.edu/x4141.xml?ReleaseID=1216 http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/msnbc/sections...lorida_Poll.pdf http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_plank/default.aspx Of course there is a long way to go. I hope McCain isn't the Bills and Obama the Raiders from this weekend
  11. Cutting spending would undercut consumer spending
  12. Ya, its no big deal at all
  13. They were war debt, but that doesn't matter so much. What matters is that Hmilton was trying to create an economy that worked in the same way we are trying to get one fixed.
  14. As idiotic as showering money onto the irresponsible lenders that made the mortgages
  15. Hamilton pissed a lot of people off by paying off the debts of the states when many states had already paid them off. But it worked. There will always be winners and losers, let's just hope this plan works, because if it doesn't.........
  16. I can't believe that idea has not been flaoted in the press yet.
  17. I'm part of an organization that is buying Russian made SAMs and giving them to the wolves. We are training the ferociuos bass-tards how to use them, which is no easy task, but once these animals are ready, don't jump in a helo in Alaska!
  18. I thought he was Jimmy Carter? Or Al Smith? Gin soaked Chris Higgins can remember 1988? Amazing!
  19. Glass Steagal had been whittled away at slowly over the years and was not what it had once been, and this was done against the wishes of Paul Volker and with the approval of Greenspan. Here is a nice summary of it: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sh...ill/demise.html Not saying I know how all this sh-- came to pass, just saying is all
  20. What if we bailout Wall Street and housing prices continue to fall? Does this bailout in any way address that issue?
  21. It's the Senate Banking Bill to No -Where!
  22. How about the o-Line! They played great once they got going. Marshawn's touchdown run in the 4th quater was something else. The whole Raider defense ended up on their backs in the endzone, or so it seemed
  23. I'm sorry, I'm still in shock and awe from the last time a Bush official said we had to act immediatly or we were all going to die
  24. I'm not to sure about this Paulson Plan: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home
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