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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. I love the non-partisan people posting that are above the frey looking down their noses at those that have taken sides Ron Paul where are you?
  2. Look out world! JD Drew is back! Sox have sorely missed him.
  3. My Aunt who lives in Granville, Ohio is caught in this mess. She is living in the dream house she has lived in for 25 years with her husband who died a few years back. It's a wonderful house with a beautiful yard and all, but driving through town there are houses all over the place for sale and no one is buying. She is asking $200,000 and my neck snapped back at her when I said, "that's all??" And it still isn't selling. She is getting up there in age and wants to move closer to my cousin--her daughter--but just can't sell the house
  4. Can it be a coincidence that after nearly thirty years of Reaganesqe policies that we are back to 1929 again? Margins calls, low consumer spending a lack of confidence in the credit system. I don't see many free marketeers standing up and complaining about this bailout
  5. 9-11 was Clinton's fault, too!
  6. Which free market Rebuplcans are opposing this? Is CATO? American Enterprise Institute? Rush Limbo? Hannity?
  7. Gees, didn't she remeber she was suppose to say McCain was a POW and an American hero??? Pathetic!
  8. Doom and gloom http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/080925/economy.html
  9. ROTF! http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0908/13883.html
  10. Maybe the bailout won't work at all and the problem will get progressivly worse. Do you own a gun and have plenty of ammunition, have canned food stored up and fresh water?
  11. What would Milton Friedman say about all this?
  12. The fear monger complaining about using fear? "Middle Class in Crisis!!!" "Open Borders Destroying America!!!" "Free Trade Crushing The Nation!!" Lou Dobbs is an interesting phenomenom of the time. The "Non partisan" who is really a Conservative. He and that rat faced wacko Glen Beck constantly argue they hate both parties and then add some caveat to the effect that Dems are bad and Rep are at least on their side.
  13. I'm pleasently surprised that a large number of Americans are. No matter what happens it seems the country has really turned a corner in that regard. It's really a great thing
  14. If someone has posted this point already, I appologize, but, what in the world will Super Mac hope to accomplish by jumping into the Executive/Legislative negotiations? I can't imagine any good coming out of his interference. The process is under way, the agreement is being hammered out and it does not need presidential politics being injected into this. The last thing it needs is that acually. And yes I know politics is involved, but this could gum up the works entirely if McCain and Obama jump in there and start an argument over nothing. For the sake of the country let the process go forward as it is. What a hum bug McCain has raised
  15. How? That's easy. As a matter of fact Obama could just pick up on the debate already in progress. People have been complaining about the cost of this miserable occupation for years.
  16. He wrote this yesterday! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...8092202583.html
  17. http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmem...ains_call_f.php
  18. Why should he accept the invitation of a panic stricken old man who is losing an election?
  19. I think McCain didn't want to talk about spending billions more in Iraq for 100 years when we have so many expensive problems here right now. It was suppose to be a foreign policy debate and it was bound to degenerate into talk on the economy one way or another. McCain didn't want that
  20. No worries! Sarah Palin is left in the field to do battle for McCain! She's the only one drawing crowds anyways. ROTF! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080924/ap_on_el_pr/palin
  21. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080924/ap_on_el_pr/mccain A doer he is! I'm changing my vote to John McCain, a true doer!
  22. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/25/business...amp;oref=slogin
  23. Give me a break, Biden has been interviewed hundres of times Did you see Palin on Hannity?
  24. That's just business as usual. C-Span had the acceptence speeches of the candidates from campaigns gone by and Kennedy basically surrended himself with the party elders at the convention and choose LBJ as his running mate to counter the inexperience argument of Nixon. McCain's choice of Palin can be compared unfavorably with Lincoln picking Andrew Johnson in 1864 because Johnson was suppose to help with the border states. That didn't work out well in the long run.
  25. Clinton was on the Daily Show last night saying that same thing And I saw some experts say that the gov might win or lose on this loan. Clinton said that the Mexican bailout had actually made money for the government. Be interesting to see what interest rate they charge for these loans if that's the way they go
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