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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Newt says media is the enemie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAKjJOnVD60
  2. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...72830&st=40 pg. 3
  3. Especially after he was kicked out for being a counsellor that molested children there!
  4. And I appologize to the rest of the human race for associating them with Biden in title of this thread *Flame away!
  5. Yes, she is deliberatly confusing the issue between what she would do and what her public policy would be An abortion fine?
  6. What's the point of making it illegal then?
  7. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columni...,3151779.column
  8. If Palin does well I think its a boost to McCain and undermines her bad image as a blithering idiot. She's a drag on McCain right now and she can change that somewhat with a good performance I'm only watching for entertainment value, myself.
  9. I was in PA this weekend and saw a hand made sign at an intersection saying "An American voting for McCain is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders." You can tell PA is a battleground state as soon as you cross the border. Signs everywhere
  10. Questions like, "What newspapers do you read" are so obvioulsy "gotcha questions" and show the bias of the news media I think most people will see through the attempts of these left wingers to try and get Palin to talk. Just disgusting
  11. Why not, Reagan and the rest of the flunky Republicans have screwed the country over enough already, might as well dump on them some more
  12. What a stupid f'n biotch. How in the world can't she see this is corruption? Gees, I thought it would take a few more years for them to start acting like the corrupt entrenched party So much for the honeymoon
  13. I can't view youtube here
  14. McCain better do something, he is falling behind in some pretty key states: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081001/ap_on_...Y645kVNcVOyFz4D
  15. I knew this was all the fault of the dirty illegals! Along with the blacks! Good white Americans suffer because of these people! I'm as mad as hell and am going to vote for McCain now! He'd never allow the illegals to.....he'd...oh wait nevermind
  16. She couldn't think of the name of one damn newspaper? Then she just won't shut up, blah, blah, blah. Imagine if McCain pulls this off and dies the first day What fun!
  17. Thanks, very informative as was GG's New Republic article
  18. I think Hoover had actually been on tv, as a novelty.
  19. I have a hard time believing that loans to minorities caused all this. Sounds pretty far fetched
  20. http://www.upi.com/Business_News/2008/09/2...83341222523054/
  21. Ummmm...the difference between a gaffe and crazy religious belief is lost on you? BTW, has McCain figured out who the Sunni and Shittes are yet?
  22. Fixed that for you
  23. I now really, really hope she bombs on Thursady. I need a distraction from the real world news
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