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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. I just looked this up. PR doesn't have a voting member in the House. Who's vote did this buy? In importer? That seems starnge. Anyone know what is up with that?
  2. The country took a big hit
  3. Clinton didn't win in 1996?
  4. Hey come on, they also changed its name. No longer is it the "bail out bill," its now the "financial rescue plan."
  5. I loved it how Palin said she was going to regulate wall street and later started throwing around the slogan "get government out of the way!" Sure, as soon as government rescues the system
  6. Not 1/2. But a lot do. Why, I don't know. The GOP have been pimping the issue hard for almost 30 years, have controlled the presidency for 20 of the last 28 years, have a majority on the court and abortion is still legal. And its going to stay that way. It's a wedge issue pure and simple
  7. This sucks. No way am I sitting here for another hour of this crap
  8. http://blogs.reuters.com/faithworld/2008/1...party-of-death/
  9. They are moving staff to Virginia http://www.inrich.com/cva/ric/news.apx.-co...10-02-0123.html
  10. But...but...but..Brit Hume last night was reporting the race was tightening!!??? How can this be?
  11. Competent leadership will be a refreshing change
  12. Were Scalia and Thomas at the meeting?
  13. Damn! Beat me to it! Obama wins Michigan! :lol:
  14. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/...bate-looms.html
  15. I bet she does!
  16. Do they ask them if they know any Supreme Court cases?
  17. I happened to catch the beginning of Fox 'News' with Brit Hume last night. The first five or so stories were all hrad core right wing propagand pieces. Just silly. Then they had a story of how Russia and China were causing trouble in Africa to secure resurces and how our military was there to protect freedom
  18. Its going to be a long eight years for the right wingers
  19. Are Freddie and Fannie causes or reults of the crisis? http://www.upi.com/Top_News/2008/09/18/McC...65811221757313/
  20. http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/ WASHINGTON -- A young up-and-coming senator from Illinois just spoke to a fairly packed Senate chamber, holding lawmakers, staff and the spectators alike enthralled. This guy gives a pretty good speech; he might have a future in national politics. Keep an eye on him -- his name is Barry something? It would be hard for Barack Obama to have asked for a much more enthusiastic homecoming to the Senate than he got today -- at least from his Democratic colleagues, who flocked to the floor to hear his speech on the Wall Street bailout. Florida's Bill Nelson sat watching Obama with a rapturous grin on his face. High school-age pages sat on the steps of the Senate lectern, far closer to Obama than the Secret Service would ever usually let anyone who hasn't been patted down, background-checked and watched closely at all times by heavily armed agents. He was swarmed after he finished talking; Vermont's Bernie Sanders gave him a hug, and they seemed to be talking about Brooklyn (it sounded, from the press gallery, like Sanders at one point said to Obama, "Hey, I'm from Flatbush"). When Obama ran over his allotted time, he made the standard request, using Senate rules, to ask "unanimous consent" for a few more minutes. Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd jumped to the mic. "I'd ask consent that he have as much time as he'd like," Dodd asked, as the parliamentary procedure nerds in the chamber (read: the lawmakers, the staff and the press corps) laughed at what passed for a witty way of phrasing the request. Republicans were a little less enthusiastic. Or you can assume they were -- most of them weren't in the Senate chamber to hear Obama speak. Pete Domenici of New Mexico toddled out the back door mid-speech. Jim DeMint, a far-right conservative from South Carolina who spoke immediately after Obama finished, sat watching from across the floor, and Alabama's Jeff Sessions wandered in at one point, but otherwise, the GOP caucus seemed to be deliberately staying away.
  21. Bong hits for Jesus! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morse_v._Frederick
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