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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. I'll be 65 in 2032. Reminds of being in kindergarden and the teacher talking about the year 2000 and how old we would be. Seemed like it was forever away, but now its 8 years ago! So if we live to be around 80, we are already half dead! lol Just a cheering thought for the day
  2. I knew it!!! Is McCain a sadistic Communist because he "hung out" with them for five years?
  3. Which brings us to the issue of term limits. Seems to work for the executive branch, why not for the legislative side?
  4. "Someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny" My favorite Bruce line. Not original at all, I understand, but it just comes out good in that song. Can anyone name that tune?
  5. It's already being done Ollie! I heard this author interviewed on NPR and it was pretty interesting: http://www.amazon.com/Gospel-according-Bru...759&sr=8-14
  6. I didn't know they grew coffee in Ireland
  7. A lot depends on how Obama--assuming he wins--and the Democratic majority run the country. If they do even a reasonably good job people will keep voting Democratic
  8. We are not left, we are now the center
  9. When the campainge is over the right wing radio freeks and Christian nationalists will just continue with this crap till things start blowing up With the demographic shift going on in the country the GOP is going to find it harder to win and that restement and frustration will boil over if they keep up this billious nonsense Call me crazy, but it would not surprise me if a secession movement of some sort gets a little traction in some places in the country
  10. Really? I think he is so great. Baby we were born to runnnnnnn Oh ya!
  11. I suspect we will see more Tim McVeighs, abortion bombers and the such now that the Democrats are in charge. If you think the right wing hates the government now, wait till a left winger is in charge of it
  12. So true: It was an interesting articles that I can't completely agree with in the whole. I think he leaves out one of the key factors of the Great Depression, the collaspe of consumer spending. In 1920 50% of Americans lived in the countryside and in the late 20's and through the 1930's rural America took a massive hit with the decline in agricultural prices. 50% of America couldn't buy much of anything. That's what started the spirialing depression. It was also a reason so many banks failed. The rural banks in the South and West failed becauise so many farmers couldn't pay their loans back and that virus in the banking industry spread east. Do we have that big of a hole in our economy today with regards to consumer spending? I don't think so, but with the quote above in mind, and the fact that so much of the taxes raised from the stock market are used to fund government work projects[infrastructure], we could be heading in that direction. States and cities are cutting back on spending. Consumers are holding back on spending. That will add up.
  13. I think he was just talking about oil profits, not all profits though. Do you really eat paste?
  14. Good, I hope they stay high. Its the only thing that will motivate the country to change its energy policy
  15. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1223155058...=googlenews_wsj
  16. Let us pause in life's pleasures and count its many tears, While we all sup sorrow with the poor; There's a song that will linger forever in our ears; Oh Hard times come again no more. Chorus: Tis the song, the sigh of the weary, Hard Times, hard times, come again no more Many days you have lingered around my cabin door; Oh hard times come again no more. There's a song, the sigh of the weary, Hard Times, hard times, come again no more Many days you have lingered around my cabin door; Oh hard times come again no more. (Chorus) While we seek mirth and beauty and music light and gay, There are frail forms fainting at the door; Though their voices are silent, their pleading looks will say Oh hard times come again no more. (Chorus) There's a pale drooping maiden who toils her life away, With a worn heart whose better days are o'er: Though her voice would be merry, 'tis sighing all the day, Oh hard times come again no more. (Chorus) Tis a sigh that is wafted across the troubled wave, Tis a wail that is heard upon the shore Tis a dirge that is murmured around the lowly grave Oh hard times come again no more. (Chorus)
  17. propaganda: http://library.thinkquest.org/C0111500/proptech.htm
  18. Illegal Aliens might get bailout help! http://www.onenewsnow.com/Politics/Default.aspx?id=272366
  19. http://www.usnews.com/articles/opinion/200...ohn-mccain.html
  20. And in other news, Clay Atkin is still gay
  21. Things will not be getting better soon. Consumer spending is down. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/06/business/06econ.html?em
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