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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Remember when Herbert Hoover said everything was going to be fine if we just did nothing and let the market correct itself?
  2. OMG!! They 'found' a scrubbed web page from 1996 that says Obama was a member! Ya, that's super duper bullet proof evidence he is a Stalinst!
  3. Socialism? Wall Street is full of socialists thanks to Dear Leader Mr. Bush
  4. Next time, bury something like this in another thread
  5. It's pretty interesting that they are now saying Obama is too smart to be president Or words to that effect.
  6. Most people do not understand that, IMO
  7. Ya, let's let the whole f'n world fall apart just to preserve ideological purity! Great idea!
  8. A female friend of mine that is very liberal brought me that magazine and was taken aback by the cover. She saw the picture as being very insulting to Palin. She hates Palin but thinks the close up showing unplucked eye brows and hair on her lip as being reall malicious. It's a female thing I guess
  9. I hope the country will move past electing leaders that have the support of people like you
  10. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/09/business...amp;oref=slogin
  11. Can you tie the tax policy and budget deficits to the economic problems of today? I have seen a few people do that but I'm not convinced, but I'm willing to be.
  12. Interesting article. Everyone wants a tax break, everyone wants something from the government, most are terrified of cutting military spending, ending the costly occupation of Iraq etc. Something has to give
  13. Which reminds me, where has Ann Coulter been recently? She was actually considered a legimate political commentator not long ago.
  14. What's positively scary is that when she was first picked McCain went ahead in the polls.
  15. It's been a real frustrating eight years. And the stupidity in the White House has been matched by stupidity outside of it supporting the stupid decisions made in it. Bush was like the death of common sense
  16. Andrew was a Dem originally, but when he ran for office--as a VP candidate--he did it on the Republican ticket He didn't run again in 1868 because the Republicans had him impeached and did not renominate him
  17. Crashers??? What do you mean? Link?
  18. Seems Sean Hannity is doing all he can to show he is nothing more than human excrement. He had an anti-semetic radical on to throw every lie in the book at Obama to make him truely seem like an enemy of America http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/200...news/index.html
  19. You are right. This race isn't over at all. If the stock market rebounds and Iran invades dumbfukistan or something it can change pretty quickly.
  20. It might be. I don't think they will murder Obama but I suspect they will try. It will be a damn sad day in American history if they do it. Sadness followed by a lot of anger.
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