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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. I have in the past. His decision to appoint Paul Volker to the fed and crank up interest rates to squeeze inflation out of the economy was a good move. Not popular, but good. Reagan kept Volker on and benefited from Carter's move politically. He also pushed for many conservation efforts that helped for awhile in that area. Had he been followed on that we would be a lot better off than now.
  2. Hey, I got a big kick out of your abortion with guns joke. That was pretty good!
  3. Carter actually has a good record in reagrds to the economy. He didn't just do what was politically expediant but took a longer term view of things.
  4. I'm just worried the panic will end before I can grab up these cheap stocks! I'm hoping to have everything undercontrol by January so I can at least have $1,000 to play with in stocks.
  5. I just knew this thread would be a winner!
  6. I so hope you are right about that 2-3 year time frame. I've run into a bit of debt I want to pay off but was hoping to buy up some cheap stock for long term and Honda was my main target, along with China Mobile. Cell phones in China are a good bet for growth I'd think.
  7. I wonder if a lot of this buyoff is by people up in years cashing in their 401ks because they think they better do it now or never see them as high again. I mean why would stock in Honda go down? Does anyone seriously think that company won't grow in the future?
  8. I dunno, I'd say the Conservative Baptist churches alone have all those people and organizations beat by a mile in membership and influence
  9. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/ynews_pl78
  10. Absolutely, its just easier to find the right wing ones, IMO
  11. http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_...s-at-mat-s.html
  12. I wonder if a "shotgun abortion" would be covered?
  13. LOL, stay mad you idiot! http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_plank/a...-than-hell.aspx
  14. LOL, ya, and Obama is a radical terrorists who is also a socialist and hates America
  15. And that was not what I said anyway. I said, if you don't like your neighbors then move. I meant that you don't own your neighborhood, just your house and if people you don't like move in, its a free country and you can leave. That's all
  16. I understand what he is saying, government caused all problems. Blah, blah, blah.
  17. Deny it??? We are celebrating it! Can't wait for the Reichstag fire so we can institute the dictatorship! Be afraid!
  18. Hoover and his party were in power for all those things. So I'm pulling the Hoover card on you again I guess. Let me add, the money supply should hve been expanded during the 1920's, as the economy expanded The Smoot Hawley tariff was terrible decision And undoing Andrew Mellon's regressive tax policies was a good idea.
  19. The consensus?? Can you back that up? I know the libertarian wackos are promoting that view but I haven't seen anyone else pushing. Please provide a link, I'd be interested in looking at something.
  20. Good question! I think the level of fear mongering required to get this thing passed has had a very negative affect. People are scared. I mean Honda stock is down. Why would a company with obvious long term potential have its stock go down so much? Fear! I have a question for you. Oil is down. The media has reported that it is because demand is down. Do you agree or do you think its just part of the same process driving down other stocks? And read this: http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_spine/a...l-calamity.aspx
  21. What about the long term ramifications of doing nothing? Ding!
  22. Oh well, a socialist president for a socialist nation
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