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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Maybe you will get laid someday and that will make you happier
  2. 15 yard out and try the FG
  3. Very soon? I don't know about. But, hopefully, that party will undergo a Reformation and turn itself around. If Rush Limbo is the leading intellectual force on the right for another decaade then for the love of my country I hope they stay in the wilderness. Yes, all administrations have screw ups, cronies etc., but that doesn't mean in any way they are all the same or experience it to the same degree. I feel Obama will appoint good people. We shall see.
  4. Carter did appoint Paul Volker
  5. No, not at all. The Bush crowd put anti-Government people in charge of the government for the last eight years, and heck, you can take that back to Reagan. So yes, if you put anti-government people in charge--or just corrupt cronies for that matter--government will not work. Put good, dedicated civil servents in charge and you have a much better chance of recieving positive results.
  6. Yes people hate her. She is a walking, talking insult to America's intelligence
  7. For you Inkman! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081213/ap_on_...izza_protection
  8. Yahoo has it as a top story right now yahoo.com
  9. So if Joe Biden's church was torched it would be a national news media event? Doubt it
  10. I'll bet you $5 the liberal Washington Post covers it!
  11. Nice shot, too. Thought I saw some vapor trails following it.
  12. LOL, she was a real hell hound!
  13. There are crazy people everywhere and on both sides of the political divide. Who knows who did this. Maybe it was a Democrat, maybe it was someone that doesn't like her ties to secessionism.
  14. A bad comedian? Comedy is in the eye of the beholder, ya know. Anyway, he is a good progressive Democrat. I really agree with him on the positive power of the Federal Government to make America a better place to live. He believes in government, he is serious about it and so am I. That spat he had with O'Reilly was actually really good. O'Reilly was sitting there saying things like government ruined America, it can't do anything, it is a waste and all that and Franken simply pointed out where he was wrong and got angry about it, good for him. Who wouldn't get angry at a clown like that? I took that same stand on this board before the financial crisis and was pillored for it, now with the government acting as a nanny for the entire capitalist system it doesn't seem so bad. And I read his book about Limbo back in the 1990's and it was funny. Glad someone started fighting back for our side. He made an obvious point, Limbo is a big fat idiot. Ya. That's controversial? Colin Powell a few days ago: Franken will be a great secessor for another shouting, progressive Jew we miss dearly, Paul Wellstone, RIP
  15. Peanuts? Anyway, fear not, I'm sure Coleman can always appeal to the frienly {for now} Conservative Supreme Court to make sure all the votes are not counted edit: 8 years ago today, Al Gore conceded to the douche bag Bush
  16. 1985? Was he a criminal then? There was so much outrage against Unions yesterday but no one really cares about this. People, like you GG just want to deflect blame away from it.
  17. Ya, many years ago. How Britney Spears is part of this is beyond me, but whatever
  18. Here's an article on the cost of a bankruptcy: On top of all the other jobs lost the ripple effect would be pretty great and probably cost more indirectly than a bailout: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...refer=worldwide
  19. http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmem...n_at_canvas.php
  20. Crooks in high places http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/13/business/13fraud.html?hp
  21. Leaving aside the fact they do have real jobs now, I would ask if you have seen the lastest unemployment numbers? http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/busine...ates_12-11.html You can hate the unions all you want, just think alittle about the impact of this
  22. You might not be, but you are letting your hate cloud your judgement on the larger issue here
  23. LOL, no, probably not man!
  24. Well, at least we will have plenty of unemployed people doing that now instead
  25. Or to get yelled at. Sometimes when the weather was bad everyone would order delivery. I was walking up to this house once and the husband saw me and was leaving. He just nodded and kept going. I found out why. His wife was on the war path over the pizza being late. I had like five orders in the car and she was going nuts, calling the shop and arguing with them. They got her settled down and I was about to leave and she opened the box and found out it wasn't cut in squares. She blew up again. We had to call again and she got her discount and I ran out of there. Ah, the good old days
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