A bad comedian? Comedy is in the eye of the beholder, ya know.
Anyway, he is a good progressive Democrat. I really agree with him on the positive power of the Federal Government to make America a better place to live. He believes in government, he is serious about it and so am I. That spat he had with O'Reilly was actually really good. O'Reilly was sitting there saying things like government ruined America, it can't do anything, it is a waste and all that and Franken simply pointed out where he was wrong and got angry about it, good for him. Who wouldn't get angry at a clown like that? I took that same stand on this board before the financial crisis and was pillored for it, now with the government acting as a nanny for the entire capitalist system it doesn't seem so bad.
And I read his book about Limbo back in the 1990's and it was funny. Glad someone started fighting back for our side. He made an obvious point, Limbo is a big fat idiot. Ya. That's controversial?
Colin Powell a few days ago:
Franken will be a great secessor for another shouting, progressive Jew we miss dearly, Paul Wellstone, RIP