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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Spreading the wealth is both necessary and desirable
  2. How do you cut government spending without hurting consumer spending?
  3. Polls, polls, polls! Thanks to Salon's warroom for that
  4. Cut military spending and re-impose tax rates that are sensible. Problem solved
  5. I'm sorry folks, the right wing is way more wacky than the left. IMO
  6. Socialism is here, might just as well vote Obama, at least he is a believer!
  7. Welcome to the New World Order! Bow down to the God of Globalism! http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/1014/p01s04-wogn.html
  8. God's reputation is at stake in this election!
  9. Jacksonian Democracy at its worst http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/10/opinion/...amp;oref=slogin
  10. I don't usually pay any attention to your posts, but this one was just so outrageous I had to respond. So I guess you don't like Krugman, huh? So much so that you feel the need to attack her marriage. You are a real classy guy
  11. It takes a lot longer to warm up, too. And the muscles need longer to rest between games. You make a great point about knowledge and insticts, they are better as a veteran.
  12. James Madison would have disagreed with you. Of course, Hamilton would have agreed with you and not with Madison. http://www.constitution.org/jm/18170303_veto.htm
  13. Wow So where are these wealthy philanthropists willing to pay for this? Is there a line they are waiting in to spend there money? And if they are, wouldn't they just spend it on something else if the government already did this? I suppose you think the churches and charity could replace welfare, too? Heck, why not medicare also!
  14. It will be nice having the boys back! I'll be watching them and the Red Sox game too. TGIF!!! Been a long f'n week for me
  15. I don't think it should be illegal, but the media should expose it for the fraud that it is. Of course, they will be accused of being the liberal media if they do.
  16. I'm not sure I want to know! Must be friday and everyone's going insane
  17. http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/081010/wall_street.html
  18. That's not true. Decline is generally a long slow process. Anyway, I'd be happy if a result of this is us starting to pull back from policing the world.
  19. I guess we will have to wait
  20. They really don't need to dumpster dive, the bi-partisan investigation into Moose Babe was underway before she was nominated and will be released today.
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