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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Communism will never lose you capitalist pig!
  2. Who's trying to stop this sh-- eater from speaking?
  3. So he supports the expensive Iraq War but not the taxes to pay for it? Sounds like a stupid a-hole to me.
  4. Why should someone that earned $10 million pay more in total taxes than someone that earned $40,000? That's theft! Why the quibble over percentages?
  5. I've always been taught that nothing in life is exactly fair. But go ahead and explain it too me. Its kind of funny that last week the base was complaining about 'their' taxes bailing out the rich, now they are complaining that the rich will have to pay more taxes. Are they just angry people and they don't really care what they are angry about as long as they can be angry?
  6. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/20...he-plumber.html Does he think Bill Gates should pay the same amount as him, or the same percentage? Following the plummer's sophmoric logic, should everyone pay the same amount, not the same percentage? Taxing by a percentage punishes the wealthy, does it not?
  7. So true. At least this time the country isn't going to validate their idiocy by actually putting them back in power. Hopefully by the time the Democrats have worn out their welcome the GOP will have gotten itself back into order
  8. Vanek is on fire and the Sabres defense is suffocating the opposition. Impressive win last night in New York to give the Rangers their first loss of the season. I like the defensive combinations. Tallinder and Rivet was a good idea, Sekera and Spachek is nice and gets most of the ice time and Lydman and Teppo are good too. Go Sabres
  9. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9...;show_article=1 http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_stump/a...ite-voters.aspx
  10. Sabres game will be over by ten. Come on, we have to give them their first loss of the season! Go Sabres!
  11. I am a Socialist. I am a Socialist. I am a Socialist. I am a Marxist. (You’re one of these too!) I am a Socialist. I am a Socialist. I am a Socialist. I am a Marxist.
  12. And we have convinced America to give us the government!!! HA HA!!!
  13. How about this: http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/ What a-holes
  14. Van Miller play by play??? That would be cool to hear
  15. It's the story of this election. Also, the Macakah [sic] thing from 2006 has also been a big thing. Liberals are everywhere on the campaign trail with cameras recording everything and posting it on youtube. How have the Republicans not done this themselves???
  16. So in essence, the red necks were screaming about the Latins, which forced the government to round up said Latins, which has angred the Orthodox Jews and the Roman Catholics. And has led to Conservative Muslims moving, which I can't believe is really what the red necks really wanted. Crime is up, kosher food isn't being made, Latins have fled into the night for fear of deportation and the vice president of Palau is in town. Oh ya and Russians and Ukrainians are somehow mixed up in all this. What a great article!
  17. Ummmm....or the business wing of the Republican party that likes cheap workers
  18. http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_plank/a...road-ahead.aspx
  19. http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dl...TPAGE/810150301
  20. The anti-Christ? Stalin was our friend and buddy, though
  21. Was a terrorist. Just like Quadaffy in Lybia or Kim Ill in North Korea, former terrorists, both.
  22. I was flipping through the stations and hit Fox News for one minute and this is all they were tlking about. They showed some black guy with his hat on sideways filling out forms with a whole bunch of other black people around. Then they cut to Ringo Star's internet message that he won't read his mail from fans anymore and the anchor thought this was just pathetic. A selfish 60's has been, lol. Fox is a total joke
  23. No, that's not what would happen. Cutting taxes would mean the wealthy would keep more, and the wealthy can only buy so many cars, toasters and whatever else, so consumer spending would drop.
  24. The government is doing it so it must be the governments job
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