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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. That's so true. They drive the Republican agenda now. McCain is trapped by trying to appear sane yet appealing to those politically activated by right wing radio
  2. You better watch it! You are replying to the post of a non-real American!
  3. More bull sh-- The idea Rush Limbo will be taken off the air by the government is silly. Only people that listen to right wing radio could believe this
  4. Powell did have some really good things to say: It was a great point, and I guess it--unfortuntly--takes a person like him to say it, a guy that supported the war, is a Republican and a veteran. Of Course Rush Limbo is attacking him now: http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_plank/a...h-v-powell.aspx
  5. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081019/ap_on_...ce_game_housing
  6. No commercials on the radio!
  7. The only problem with that is, people like Joe the Plumber really do think that most tax money is spent on welfare. That's as deep as they go. That's why they support tax cuts and the Iraq War and don't connect the two in any way or on any level.
  8. I just saw the beginning where she tried to laugh off not giving press conferences. It seemed pathetic. Like a person laughing while getting picked on
  9. Real Virginia! Real America= Southern Culture, Southern ignorance This is one reason I love immigration from Mexcio
  10. This is more pragmatic than simply 'Tax bad, spending cut good, ugh, ugh' http://www.salon.com/tech/htww/2008/10/13/obama_rescue_plan/
  11. Word! He shouldn't have done one of the most dispicable acts of fearmongering and lying ever done in American history when he gave his BS presentation to the UN, with all sorts of scary power point pictures of mobile weapons labs, drone aircraft and viles of bio terror stuff. F him! Hope he rots in hell
  12. Yet the Republicans are preaching division at the highest levels. Real America? Real Virginia? The areas of the country that don't vote Republican are somehow un-American? In case you think I'm making this up: Palin is running around saying the same idiotic crap.
  13. The latest Obama ad is great, with McCain standing there muttering he voted with Bush 90% of the time.
  14. This is a nice blurb from Salon's war room: http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/
  15. Truth hurts, huh? I went to an abolitionist reinactment meeting in Sugar Grove, PA and they burned a cross on the lawn of the church we were holding it at the night before.
  16. Meanwhile, liberals hate America
  17. I suspect you will see a blizzard of Democratic spending intiatives on research and development. Research labs for alternative energy, disease prevetion and cures and technology will be funded better, which is good for the future of the country. I hope they raise taxes quickly so everyone can see the world will not end if we ask the wealthy to pay another penny on the dollar. Since the government just shelled a trillion dollars to save the economy this shouldn't be too much to ask.
  18. So you think this tax increse is going to kill the economy?
  19. Yes! But we have to pay for the mess of the last 8 years, so someone has to pay. Cutting spending would mean laying off workers somewhere along the line. I'd rather raise revenue a bit to try and balance the books.
  20. OMG!!! My mother grew up in Milford, Ohio! Nice little town
  21. Oh ya!! Miller has to be happy with the few shots he's seeing. I'm really impressed with that defense
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