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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. When the GOP is all bent out of shape by "elitists" I thought this would matter to the base. I guess it only does when Dems do something like this.
  2. He gets by with a little help from his friends He tried with a little help from his friends He got got high on war with a little help from his friends
  3. The guy wants to slightly raise taxes on wealthy people and you compare him to Chairman Moa? God, at least we anti-Bush nuts didn't freek out until after he decided to invade Iraq, which most people believe was at the very least a bad idea. I mean get a grip.
  4. I'd be willing to bet this guy is an illegal alien http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/...wealth-spender/
  5. http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na...0,4572652.story
  6. You have to find a balance. There is following doctrine, or making emotional decisions and demanding that they are carried out and that all "information" relating to the topic is positive. That's Bush's style from what I can tell I would hope that Obama makes informed decisions, takes serious advice from very smart people and when a decision is reached they demand it is followed, but criticisms and failures are acknowledged. No one is saying Obama will be perfect
  7. One serious concern I have about Obama is that he won't be a big enough a-hole to people that are disloyal to him. I hope he has some real SOB's around him to nail people that are not carrying out orders.
  8. LOL, don't these "rugged individualists" also get free oil comapny money too?
  9. Obama supporters don't mrder innocent bears!
  10. Everytime someone younger than my mom dies I feel a little more worried. My grandparents are long gone!
  11. Unions can be f-ed up I know. Niagara Falls on our side was an economic waste land because of the thug unions. The FBI had to clean them up. Rudy Guliani busted the Teamsters, I beleive. But honest unions take their bumps from employers and there has been violence used against. Many people have been killed trying to organize. My view on unions might be outdated, I'll admit. The economy today is different than it use to be. Still, if people want to organize they should be allowed to. And yes, something should be done to stop "union intemidation." I think back to my 4th grade teacher who refused to go on strike in Buffalo in 1978[?] with the rest of the teachers. But I don't think anything happened to her. I wouldn't throw the baby out with bath water. All unions are not run by goons, nor most
  12. I guess by "change" Obama means he will try and actually pay for all this government action--instead of simply borrowing and printing money-- to save all our arses:
  13. The House of Reps will always be filled with wackos on both sides. The GOP seems to have monoplized them for now. Our rep in the House, Brian Higgins, seems like a decent guy when compared to a lot of the nuts in that house of Congress
  14. I read a left wing op-ed not long ago making the argument that the spending on the war, the tax cuts followed by the Fed printing more money is what got us in this mess, so it sounded like it jived with what you wrote about Forbes, especially with the mention of Volker
  15. As a Democrat I demand the right to cast five or six votes!
  16. This is American History! http://www.sfltimes.com/index.php?option=c...1&Itemid=42
  17. McCain picks up endorsement! http://satiricalpolitical.com/?p=4133
  18. My God! A good red, white and blue, apple pie eating dog will not have a home now!
  19. So basically Bush's tax cuts and the Iraq War together caused this mess? That's why they had to print so much money, right? Ya, Volker good.
  20. I suppose the Heritage Foundation would say that. But workers trying to oganize have to be extremely careful or they get fired, which yes, is against the law, but it takes so long to do anything about there is no point fighting it
  21. Will businesses still be allowed to fire workers for trying to organize a union?
  22. That dog might be a terrorist! Just like Obama
  23. You non-Americans just don't get it! Talk radio is for the real America! Not the welfare America that pays no taxes and doesn't fish
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