Unions can be f-ed up I know. Niagara Falls on our side was an economic waste land because of the thug unions. The FBI had to clean them up. Rudy Guliani busted the Teamsters, I beleive. But honest unions take their bumps from employers and there has been violence used against. Many people have been killed trying to organize.
My view on unions might be outdated, I'll admit. The economy today is different than it use to be. Still, if people want to organize they should be allowed to. And yes, something should be done to stop "union intemidation." I think back to my 4th grade teacher who refused to go on strike in Buffalo in 1978[?] with the rest of the teachers. But I don't think anything happened to her. I wouldn't throw the baby out with bath water. All unions are not run by goons, nor most