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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Then you must strongly disagree with this stupid women that claims muslims are the enemy
  2. You guys act like muslims are animals or something
  3. No, we should protect ourselves, but stay away from the insane practice of trying to turn them all against us or denying their basic humanity
  4. Retard? For stating an obvious fact? Ok buddy, whatever
  5. No, they call on the military to attack other countries.
  6. There's entire communities of christians that would love to kill innocents in the name of jesus
  7. I'm sure the military does a great job helping Iraqis, that wasn't my point. Its about why some people wanted us to invade.
  8. http://www.lcsun-news.com/ci_10783845 I hope historians of the Iraq War take stuff like this into account when trying to understand why we invaded. It wasn't about a "freedom agenda," it was about killing Muslims to a lot of the base. And no, I don't think Bush thought that, but a lot of his supporters sure did.
  9. Boy, Obama is a real disaster, and hasn't even been elected yet! I'm already longing for the Bush years. Bush was steady, things were alright and life was grand....and then Obama came along and ruined everything! This economy under the shadow of Obama is a joke! :ph34r:
  10. The market will crash as bad as it did under Clinton with his tax increase. Bad times a head, its going to be like the hungry 90's all over again.
  11. Well, that's Ann Coulter we are talking about. The same Ann Coulter our national media use to actually use as a legimate political commentator. Anyway, if the national polls are tightening, the states will probably follow.
  12. I'd put a tax on food bought at the drive thru.
  13. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081022/ap_on_...esidential_race
  14. Remember this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bell_Curve
  15. Have you properly inflated your tires?
  16. I'll tell ya what's costing lots of money, them damn stray animals running around. All they do is breed and sh--- all over everything. Pisses me off, too.
  17. Something has to give or else the younger people will be kicking in way more that they will ever seen in return. Of course getting the young adults to get politically active about this isn't going to happen tomorrow or the next day or maybe ever
  18. Me too! I thought Obama could wave his magic turban and make things like this stop! This could never happen while Bush was....I mean is...I mean...
  19. This is an excellent op-ed about the entitlement problem looming. He makes a great argument that young voters need to start putting pressure on politicians the same way the AARP is. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...8102102252.html
  20. This would explain why Osama showed his mug right before the 2004 election
  21. I don't disagree with this at all. I remember the construction mob of Niagara Falls being brought to court in the 1990's by the FBI and a reporter trying to film them outside the courthouse getting punched. Still, you have Churches that steal, cheap, rape children, but that isn't all the churches. Most unions don't engage in violence
  22. He did more than that. He, and the rest of the right wing, waged a full fledged terror campaign to get us in that war. "Saddam, 9-11, Saddam, 9-11," was basically the meat on all his speeches. We were all going to die if Sddam was not taken out. It was a full fledge lynch mob effort with the right wing nuts breathing fire and the media marching in lock step. It was the right wing cause of the day on steroids.
  23. http://www.salon.com/books/review/2008/10/22/zuckerman/
  24. Great post. Just look at how long it took for the unemployment rate to climb after he stock market crash in 1929. It was only 5% in 1930. Then it double the next year and by the time FDR took office it had sky rocketed to 25%. So yes, it can get worse and we are probaby just at the start of this crap. The government is already taking in fewer tax revenue and all over the country state and local governments are cutting back, which means fewer jobs, whih means less consumer spending which means fewer jobs and so on. So it goes
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